Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Bursa is a sac that is filled with fluid found between the tissues of the muscles, bones, skin, and tendons. The role of the bursa is to provide lubrication to help reduce rubbing, friction, and irritation between these areas. Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursa. This inflammation can be caused by impact to the area, sudden injury, or overuse repetitive motion (painting, carpentry, throwing, tennis, and golf). This condition is also age related because as we get older, the tendons have been worn which makes them easier to tear, have less elasticity, and less tolerable to stressors. Our kinetic chain is composed of bone on top of bone and joint on top of joint stacked in alignment to produce motion. When a bone or joint is misaligned or not in its proper place, stress can be added to the bursa sac. Risk for bursitis also increases in persons with thyroid disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and abnormal reaction to a medication. Even leaning on your elbows and scrubbing the floors on your knees can cause this.

Bursitis is more common in persons over the age of 40. The five parts of that body that this condition effects are the hip, elbow, shoulder, knee, and Achilles tendon. Bursitis is painful and gradually builds in severity. Bursitis can be so painful, for example, that the area can become immobile. This is the term for the “frozen shoulder” that can result bursitis pain. The area will actually look swollen and red. Its feels achy and stiff and especially tender to touch.

At the first onset of pain, it is important to stop whatever activity you are performing. A baseball player might keep pitching through the pain for the love of the sport, but bursitis might creep and become unbearable to continue. Upon experiencing pain, the area needs to be given rest. Ice should also be applied. The area is inflamed so anti-inflammatories can be used. A doctor might prescribe corticosteroids (a type of steroid) to help reduce inflammation more quickly. This method calls for an injection at the site of the pain. Injections aren’t meat to be repeatedly used. Physical therapy can also be used. This can help improve range of motion that have been compromised due to pain. Surgery for bursitis is used as a last resort.

It is important to be conscious of your joints. Take breaks during repetitive tasks. Keep a healthy body weight so that extra stress isn’t added to the joints. A physical exam by a doctor will let you know that bursitis has struck when you tell them about the area and pain. Sometimes with what we do daily, we forget that wear and tear accumulate. Don’t tests your joint’s capabilities. Don’t test their expiration date. Pain is never pleasant so keep these precautions in mind and your joints will thank you.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Inconsistency is the difference between attitude and action. Its meaning is associated with instability, self-contradiction, irregular, and unpredictable. Consistency is the desired behavior. An inconsistent person is a sometimes person. For example, sometimes this person offers quality service and effort at their job, while sometimes they call out absent and show up to work late. Being inconsistent is not being reliable or dependable. A bar tender might serve the same drink to you and your friend that placed an order, but the two drinks taste very different. The lines are blurred when it comes to expectation. Therefore, when it comes to one’s fitness journey, inconsistency marks many people’s association with working out and eating healthy. Can you relate??

It is a common trend to be consistent for a duration, but then to become inconsistent once a few mishaps occur. There becomes a start and stop pattern of behavior. As a trainer, my hope is that more often than not, you do your workouts, eat right, and keep this lifestyle as regular as possible. But then the human element comes into play…. holidays, travel, parties, relationships, parenting, and emotion. Somehow priorities shift, food becomes comforting, and the fitness journey takes a back seat with the intention of only being temporary. But how long is temporary?? These bouts of temporary accumulate. The roller coaster continues, and I’m left wondering when the road will be straight and smooth again.

It’s interesting that taking care of one’s health can become inconsistent. Other aspects of life do not allow this such as parenting, your performance at work, or being a good partner/spouse. When we are inconsistent in these areas, we assume that we are affecting other people so we can’t slack. The truth is that poor health does affect other people around us too. Not being able to hold your grandchild, not being able to stand for long periods of time, feeling sluggish…. all of that does go noticed. Sometimes only when the cost of poor health hits does reality set in.

How would you label your fitness journey?? Would you consider yourself consistent?? This is an important chat to have with yourself. Have you ever graded yourself?? What letter grade would you earn. Inconsistency doesn’t equate to results. Be consistent in your efforts and your body will thank you. When your body thanks you, your mood, energy, relationships, heart, and mind will thank you too. So be a regular at the studio and Steve Nash and I will help you reach your goals.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



Munchausen syndrome is a mental disorder in which the person deliberately acts as if he or she has a mental or physical illness when in fact, they do not. It is a factitious disorder. This causes severe emotional distress, which is why Munchausen is a mental disorder. This syndrome was named after Baron von Munchausen in the 18th century. He was a German officer known for embellishing his life experiences.

Most people with Munchausen complain of physical illness and say they have symptoms of chest pain or stomach problems. They exaggerate these symptoms, lie about them, hurt themselves to bring upon the actual symptoms, or even find ways to alter tests. They also might refer to their dramatic and inconsistent medical history, constantly speak of going to the doctor and find enjoyment in medical testing and appointments, don’t let anyone else speak to their doctors, have these symptoms only when other people are around, and they have extensive knowledge of medical terms and textbook descriptions for what they claim to be diagnosed with.

There is no exact cause for this syndrome, but there may be a link to biological and psychological factors. It could be linked to childhood abuse or having been frequently hospitalized when younger. Some research is being looked into an association with multiple personalities.

It is difficult to obtain accurate statistics about the number of people who have this syndrome, especially since the entire concept is predicated on lies. However, Munchausen is more common in men than women and usually affects young adults. Diagnosis is difficult because of the dishonesty. Usually, a person is reluctant to seek treatment for this exact condition, although they enjoy going to the doctor for other symptoms. This makes treatment very challenging and the likelihood of recovery very poor. It is important to seek help because the body shouldn’t undergo operations and procedures that are not necessary. The primary therapy is psychotherapy. There are no medications for treatment. Some that might be used for related illnesses such as anxiety or depression might help. Often recovery is dependent upon someone else identifying the behavior and helping the person seek help for this specific reason, not for other medical purposes the person claims to have.

The mind is very powerful, and most people can convince themselves of nearly anything. However, when it comes to medical treatment, this is meant to only be used out of necessity. Otherwise, more harm than good is being done, but that is not the concern of someone who has a mental illness. Munchausen is an interesting syndrome that can be complex and misleading, after all, it is predicated on lies and betraying the honesty of the medical field.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024



When it comes to your health, margarine comes out on top as the winner versus butter. The key reason is because margarine is made from vegetable oil while butter is made from animal fat. Because of this, margarine contains the good type of unsaturated fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) that lower LDL cholesterol which is the bad type. Butter contains saturated fat. This is not to say that margarine does not contain trans fats, depending on which type you pick or purchase. The more solid the margarine, the more trans fat it contains. This means that the stick type is not as healthy as the kind that comes in a tub or container. The reason we want to limit or eliminate trans-fat is because it can raise our blood cholesterol levels and the risk for heart disease. Eating this type of fat lowers the good HDL cholesterol. Label reading becomes important, particularly looking for margarine that contains less trans and saturated fats. Spreading it on thick will thicken the arteries and waistline.

The Breakdown

Butter is a popular spread and is used in many sauces, as well as for baking. It is a source of milk fat. Starting back in the 1970s, public health authorities realized that butter shouldn’t be used at free will. Butter isn’t all bad. It does contain vitamin K12 which is linked to bone health. Just like milk, the better forms of butter come from the type of cow it is derived from. Grass fed cows provide more nutrients than grain fed cows. One small square or serving of butter(5g) contains 36 calories, 4 grams of fat with 2.5 grams being saturated, 11mg of cholesterol, and no carbohydrates or protein. It is truly just a taste enhancing component of one’s diet. The problem is that just using 5g is a rare occurrence. Margarine is usually dished out of a tub, so one tablespoon is about 14 grams. This has about 100 calories and 11 grams of fat, with 1 gram being saturated, and zero grams of cholesterol.

Butter and margarine aren’t usually toppers for the best items on the menu. They’re spread on breads, melted on pastas, melted on pastries and treats, drenched on popcorn, globed on a white baked potato, and of course used in the baking process of many cookies and cakes. Oh yeah, and don’t forget we put them on top of pancakes. Therefore, the more one limits these sometimes foods, the better off they will be avoiding these heart damaging spreads. Vegetables aren’t meant to have butter on them. The little things add up to big health risks when we chose to opt for taste and flavor instead of remembering the big picture of our health.


There are healthy alternatives to consider when trying to substitute butter. Margarine is the better choice, however there are other healthy choices to give a try. Selecting one of these options still involves portion control and doesn’t make the less calories and less fat equate to as much as you want. Instead of spreading butter on toast or your bagel, try a fruit puree. Not only can you have a variety of flavors such as grape, strawberry, or apple, but you will also reap the benefits of antioxidants. Plenty of fat will be saved trying this option. Applesauce can be used instead of butter when baking and adds a sweet taste. Spreading hummus instead of butter on items is also a healthful choice. Roasted garlic is also another butter alternative. Garlic contains antioxidants, Vitamin C, as well as phosphorus. Different oils can also be used for cooking instead of using butter. Vegetable, olive, coconut, or flax seed are a few types. These also contain the good types of fat for the heart which include omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9.

There’s another twist to types of butter. One can either use salted or unsalted butter. Salted butter of course has more flavor, but also is higher in sodium. Most chefs prefer unsalted butter so that the taste of salt doesn’t affect their recipe. Unsalted butter also creates a better consistency when baking. Because unsalted butter would be the healthier choice, it therefore has a shorter shelf life because it is not packed with preservatives.

Keep your eating clean and simple. Adding butter and other condiments can truly derail your best intentions to eat healthy. Spices are great and even just letting yourself adjust to tasting food as is, is a great way to keep your food clean and your digestion system clean. Keep your butter knifes clean and keep them in the drawer. One small change at a time to your eating can add up to big measures of progress over time.