Monday, June 24, 2019



To tell a lie, to avoid or not state the truth, to say something that is not accurate, is a behavior that ridicules decision making and questions a person’s character. There are pathological and compulsive liars, and there are those that just tell little lies here and there. Sometimes, understanding why a person lies or why you have even lied requires looking at the perspective through the culprit’s eyes. Here are some reasons people lie when they really don’t need to at all.

1.       Avoiding disappointment: The person is worried about losing someone else’s respect. It is human nature to want to be liked, to want to impress others, and to care what other people think. A person might feel the truth could undermine any of these sentiments.

2.       The lie matters: A person might lie about going to the grocery store when they really went to the mall because to them this lie matters. For whatever reason, it is important to them that the other party think they went to the store and not the mall.

3.       Control: People tell lies because they want to control a situation. In order to get the outcome or reaction they want, a lie is necessary.

4.       It’s not a lie to them: Memory tells this person that they are recounting the situation correctly. Their memory is unreliable, so they fill in the blanks with what they believe to actually be true. It is as if the person has created an alternate world in their head that makes them think what they are saying did happen and is true.

5.       The person wants what they’re saying to be true: A person might feel that by making a statement or repeating what they want to be true, will actually make it true. Desire and need are human nature, when a person lies it is because to see the world play out how they have imagined it in their mind.

6.       Lying becomes a snowball: Repetitive liars often don’t even know they are lying anymore. Sometimes telling one lie, leads to another lie to cover up that lie. The confusion creates more and more lies. They can hardly trust themselves anymore. 

The expression that the truth hurts sometimes makes a person lie to be nice or to avoid confrontation. In the end, the truth always prevails and wins. That is why it is the truth. We live in a world with a justice system that we believe should uphold the truth. Therefore, it starts with our moral character and even if it seems like telling a little lie won’t hurt anyone, when the truth surfaces lies usually go back to the teller and are viewed as a negative character defect. Don’t lie to yourself and don’t lie to anyone else….simple.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 1271 Video: Overhead side bend for Upper Bod...

Thursday, June 20, 2019



Mayonnaise, “mayo”, is a popular condiment used around the world. It is the combination of egg yolk, oil, acid, and either lemon juice or vinegar. This recipe might be tasty, but it is full of trans fat and saturated fat. The heart does not appreciate this. The list of negatives continues with this condiment being high in calories, high in cholesterol, and high in sodium. Mayo is mostly oil. Regardless, people love to use it on sandwiches, in salad dressings, and tarter sauce. Others just use it standing alone to dip foods in. Not paying attention to the portion quickly leads to high amounts of calories and fat in one false swoop. Think of potato salad, deviled eggs, and dressings… portion distortion is rampant.

Mayonnaise is the product of an interesting process called emulsification. Lemon juice or vinegar and egg yolk combine to turn a liquid into a solid. In the U.S., most commercial mayo is made with soy oil which is high in omega 6 fatty acids. There are 57 calories and 4 grams of fat in 1 tablespoon. For an item that isn’t necessary to have, it is more for flavor and your preference, mayonnaise could be opted out. There are reduced fat and lower calorie options, but these tend to be loaded with sugar. There are also a lot of artificial ingredients and preservatives in mayo.

In order to avoid some of the poor points about mayo, making a homemade version is a good idea. Using avocado oil, macadamia nut oil, or olive oil can help lower the amount of omega 6. There are different ways to add flavor so that this healthier version is still tasty. This might include adding hot sauce, curry powder, garlic, or pesto.

Having 4.5% of your daily calories from 1 tablespoon of mayo seems pretty high for such a small quantity. When having macaroni salad, potato salad, or different dressings, it is highly unlikely that just this portion is being consumed. Regular mayo eaters might experience weight gain. Yes, the body needs some fat and some sodium to operate, but we always have to consider the source. It is small daily choices that add of overtime and make a difference. For someone who tops their daily lunchtime sandwich with mayo, this accumulates over time. It can be avoided. Condiments are add-ons that are not necessary. If concerned, prepare at home and maybe that sandwich at lunch can have some of your own version to keep the flavor the way like it.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: More energy

Every BODY's Fit 'FIT Clip" 1267 Video: Seated front raise for Upper Body

Saturday, June 15, 2019



Granola has that healthy but sometimes no-so-healthy make up of ingredients. A basic granola recipe contains the following ingredients: oats, some type of sweetener such as sugar or honey, and some type of crisp made from wheat or rice. Then other add ons might include nuts, dried fruits, or even coconut. The major controversy with granola is that only ¼ cup Is one serving, and most of the time granola is not consumed in this small quantity. Some eat it by the cup as cereal or others drown their acai bowls with the crunch. Well, that one fourth cup is composed of 100 calories, 17 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of protein, 2.5 grams of fat, and 1.5 grams of fiber. Now when nuts, raisons, dark chocolate, or other toppers are included, these numbers rise. A standard cup of granola contains 597 calories and 29 grams of fat. That is so much for such a small amount.

What this means is that filling a bowl with granola and milk to start the day equates to having a 600 calorie breakfast filled with sweeteners. When it comes to granola, a light sprinkle is the recommended serving size to stick to that ¼ cup. This might mean having a little on top of yogurt or a handful as a snack, not a free for all just because it can be bought in health food stores. All calories aside, granola does contain magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, and selium. It is considered a whole grain and contains folate, Vitamin E, and thiamin. Granola is also a healthy fat. Magnesium is needed for energy production. Calcium is needed for bone health. Selium, zinc, copper, and manganese are all great for red blood cells, bones, and connective tissue. Folate and thiamin are types of Vitamin B which help with cell growth, metabolism, and nerve function.

Granola certainly has its pros and cons. It is not all bad and it is not all good. It is certainly a type of food that can be misleading. Health food stores even make their own and one tends to think that this snack is a great option versus a bag of chips or candy bar. However, there aren’t always labels on the back to tell you just how much sugar or other ingredients are involved. The key is portion control and not getting carried away with reaching for more and more. There are all sorts of granola bars too. Label reading is very important, especially when it comes to what constitutes what one serving is.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 1262 Video: Shoulder rotations for Upper Body

Friday, June 7, 2019



Everyone has done it. Hear the alarm, find the alarm, turn it off or hit “snooze”. Just a few more minutes. Delaying the getting up process. Waiting to have to start the day. Avoiding what lies ahead. Most of us do feel anxious when the alarm goes off. Some might feel energized, excited, awake, and others are angry, exhausted, just not ready to rumble…yet.

Baby boomers are actually the biggest snooze hitters at rate 3x higher compared to others. Millennials are the least likely.

But sleep after hitting snooze is almost wasteful. It isn’t restful. What is five more minutes really going to do?? The best thing to do is just get up. About 2/3 of women hit snooze and about ½ of men on occasion and then some people are repeat offenders and might hit the snooze more than once. Life’s circumstances can make the extra little shut-off seem attractive, but realistically you are really gaining quality sleep that will suddenly make the concept of getting up any more inviting.

The key to fixing the snooze habit is to get enough rest. Yeah, yeah, easier said than done. Chipping away at sleep over time can happen when life has all its demands. Suddenly 30 minutes less turns into 2 hours less and then the next day has arrived and you aren’t ready. Time keeps ticking whether you slept or not. Work starts when works starts, same with school and other obligations.

Hitting snooze just doesn’t set the right tone for the day. Your mind is telling you to hold on, hold off, just wait. Some people know what they can get away with. They know the traffic, the if I skip breakfast, the if I don’t blow dry my hair, little tricks to get 5 more minutes.

My recommendation is to stop hitting snooze. Get up when you originally set the alarm with that same intention. Your mindset will be in a far better place. Starting the day rushed and stressed because of a few more minutes of not even sound sleep, isn’t worth the risk. Face the day with positivity and if you get up on time, make the habit to go to bed on time too. The clock can be on your team, if you make the decision to be the boss who doesn’t compromise on your goals and what needs to get accomplished.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 1254: Backwards step for Lower Body