Tuesday, December 31, 2019



Relief from back pain might mean a trip to the chiropractor for some people. In fact, 22 million Americans visit the chiropractor each year. Different causes can send a person to this type of medical practice including car accidents, sports injuries, and muscle strains. Although most people might go for back pain, other pains that need relief occur in the neck, legs, arms, chronic headaches.

 A chiropractor uses what is called hands-on spinal manipulation. The idea is to properly align the body’s musculoskeletal system. When the spin is in alignment, healing can occur, and this is an alternative to medication or surgery. Most of the time tissue has been injured that is causing loss of mobility and range of motion. This tissue damage might be the result of a fall, lifting with little back support, repetitive stress, or some type of trauma. This form of treatment is called alternative. Through this manipulation, the tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones, and connective tissue can find pain relief.

A chiropractor will attend 4 years of chiropractic school. Upon completion, they will be awarded the title “DC” next to their name. Their type of treatment is generally considered safe. The chiropractor will perform a physical examination on a patient and discuss medical history. Then treatment will involve manual adjustments to the affected areas. The chiropractor uses sudden force to help the area have improved range of motion.

It is not advised that persons with spinal cord compression, arthritis, who use blood-thinning medications, or who have osteoporosis, should use a chiropractor’s help. A chiropractor is a health care professional who can help treat neuromuscular disorders, but explaining medical history is important in order to avoid further injury. Their goal is to preserve the structural integrity of the spine. This form of treatment can be complimentary to other forms. If a chiropractor thinks additional forms of treatment are necessary, they will refer accordingly.

Low back pain can vary in severity. Most of the time it is non-specific in the lumbar spine and can be treated. There is no exact cause. Nerves can be problematic if one is pinched or compressed. Other potentially serious causes include infections, tumors, joint infection, prolonged bleeding, or artificial joint problems.

Pain can be intolerable and so uncomfortable that a person must seek help. Imagine if a rib was popped out of place. One’s primary doctor might not be able to address this, and surgery certainly is not always necessary, so someone like a chiropractor can alleviate this pain. Each case is different and each person recovers on their own time based on the frequency and necessity of treatment.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Plan ahead

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3242 Video: Side squat Bosu

Thursday, December 26, 2019



Remember when quirky Aunt Sally used to say, “My knees are hurting, must be a storm coming”?? In our adult lives, we now might relate to her wives’ tale. There may actually be truth to her statement. When barometric pressure changes in our body, weather forecasting becomes our new super power. Feeling increased pain before the weather changes is actually quite common in people with arthritis and chronic pain. Knees, ankles, elbows, and wrists are the popular trouble zones. When mother nature cries, so too can our joints.  

There are a couple theories that might explain this. Barometric pressure (air pressure) seems to be the common denominator. This is the weight of the atmosphere around us. Think of what happens to the body when you go up on an airplane.  You feel different sensations due to the change of air pressure.

Our joints are like a balloon. High pressure makes the joint push against the body and the tissues aren’t able to expand. When this pressure drops, which is what happens before rain, hail, or snow, there is less air and pressure on the body. This causes the tissues to start to expand. We feel this pressure sensation as the tissues put pressure on the joints. The cold weather causes our muscles, ligaments, and tendons to stiffen up. Synovium is the lining of our joints which have nerves at their ends. The nerves become especially sensitive post-surgery, if you have arthritis or fibromyalgia, or if you have had an injury. Think back to the plane. Just like in the airplane, where the pressure in cabin is less, this can result in swollen feet.

Another theory is that the change in humidity and temperature might affect the pressure in our brain. From this, our pain receptors are affected and not doing their blocking job. This aligns with the theory that people with migraines experience weather related headaches.

This does not mean that people with this pressure meter of pain can be alleviated by living in an ideal climate. Even the most minute changes can affect someone. Your body adapts wherever it goes. Warmth can help joint pain, so when it is cold dressing in layers and using a heating pad can be helpful. Loosen up those joints through exercise, because the combination of stiff and cold joints, only worsens the problem. The winter month is not a time to stay cooped up. Those joints need blood flow to ward off pain.

Fortunately, weather related pain is temporary. It comes and goes. We aren’t mother nature, so the weather is not in our control. How we manage our pain is. There a medications, creams, pads, and such, but just walking in place (movement in its simplest form), will help alleviate this condition. Use movement for joint pain relief come rain or shine. Use your weather super powers wisely, and be proactive about protecting your joints from pain.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019



Quitting smoking is a battle many cigarette users face when attempting to stop cold turkey or even reduce the number of smoke breaks per day. Smoking is the largest preventable cause of death and disease in the U.S., but nicotine users are certainly addicted and hooked. Smoking kills more than 480,000 people per year. It Is estimated that 14% of U.S. adults are smokers. Of these, 75% of them smoke every single day. Ages 25-65 seem to be the target group most involved. American Indian and Alaska Native are the highest race/ethnicity that smokes.

There are several different ways to try to quit smoking. Some people have mad multiple attempts, revisiting the addiction after stopping for some time. Some people are able to make up their mind and walk away forever. Our brains are wired differently so finding a solution might be a task of trial and error unit habit is finally eliminated.

1.       Quitting cold turkey: Only about 5-7% of people are able to do this on their own without any type of help. About 90% of people attempt to quit smoking without the use of therapy, medicine, or different aids. 

2.       Nicotine replacement therapy: There are many types on the market. These include patches, gums, inhalers, and sprays. The catch is that the person is trying to quit their addiction to nicotine itself, so sometimes changing for a different form doesn’t make the craving and desire for nicotine any less.

3.       Behavioral therapy: This involves working with a counselor to address triggers that make the person want to smoke. These might include emotions or situations. Together, a plan of attack can be created to know what to do when these circumstances arise. 

4.       Medication: Chantix and Bupropion can be prescribed to help with withdrawl and cravings.

Of course the first few days are going to be difficult. Change of any type adds an element of uncertainty and a withdrawal from something that once was. It becomes important to avoid situations, triggers, or places, that could create a desire to want to reach for a cigarette. It is extremely important to succumb to cravings. Allowing yourself to have that cigarette when the want is so strong, only tricks your brain that permission is granted, and it is okay to keep smoking. Send the right message from the start for long term success. Reward yourself for hitting milestones such as going one week with none. Stay active and busy and get out. Don’t let boredom and too much time let cigarettes lurk in your mind. Of course much of this can be considered easier said then done and for many cigarette smokers they have heard it all before. 

Change is possible. Quitting is possible. Think of all the positives and remember your health is a priority and shouldn’t be compromised to the power of nicotine addiction.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Appreciate your body

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3231 Video: Exercise ball marches for Total ...

Thursday, December 12, 2019



Dyslexia is a type of reading disorder that involves difficulty reading, despite level of intelligence. This might include difficulty spelling, writing words, how fast a person can read, and pronouncing words. Most of the time, these troubles will become noticed at school. This can translate into difficulty writing and spelling. There are more than 3 million cases of dyslexia in the US each year.

This disability effects the part of the brain that processes language. There is no cure, but treatment can involve tutoring and special education intervention. Early warning signs, prior to school age, might include late talking, difficulty with nursing rhymes, confusing words, and learning words slowly. Once in school, the disability become more apparent. Reading level ability typically tests well below the expected age. There might be difficulty with pronunciation, problems spelling, and avoiding activities that involve reading. The key is early diagnosis so that the troubleshooting can take place.

There is no direct cause for dyslexia, but there are associated risk factors. These might include family history with this and other learning disabilities, premature or low birth weight, and exposure during pregnancy to drugs, alcohol, or infection.

When left untreated, the person can have problems that continue into adulthood. This might include overall trouble learning. The person feels at a constant disadvantage to their peers. This can lead to social problems. The person might have low self-esteem, anxiety, and feel the need to withdrawl from friends, family, and teachers. Later in life this can affect job selection and schooling.

A doctor will diagnose dyslexia using a number of approaches. These might include vision and hearing testing. There may be a set of educational tests. Psychological testing might be performed. Discussing home life might also take place.

Teachers can use a number of techniques to help. These might include phonics which is understanding word’s sounds and meanings, reading comprehension, working on vocabulary words, and working on phenomes (the sounds of words). Schools in the United States actually have a legal obligation to create an individualized learning plan for students with dyslexia. Parents should become involved and practice reading  with the child, reading aloud, and setting an example for reading.

Given the right resources a person can still succeed with dyslexia. Reading may never become easy, but can be improved given the skills and resources to make progress and overall improve quality of life. Reading might feel like a game of catching up for a person with this condition, but catering to other strengths and learning abilities can help a person still excel in life, despite having dyslexia.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Change the changeable

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3225 Video: Chicken wings for Upper Body

Thursday, December 5, 2019



Deodorants are applied to the arm pits, feet, and other body parts to prevent body odor (BO) from making its smelly presence. Their purpose is to eliminate odor and control sweat near the underarms. When a person excessively sweats, using an antiperspirant might be a consideration. The primary difference between these two sweaty choices is that deodorant covers up body odor, while antiperspirants slow down sweat production. Our armpits have two sweat glands which are called the apocrine and eccrine. The apocrine glands are the type that produce the smell by carrying fats, protein, and sweat to the skin’s surface. These fats and proteins mixed up, then basically turn into a smelly bacteria. The eccrine glands are the primary sweat producers to cool down the body. They release water and sweat. These glands normally don’t develop until puberty, so this time period is the start of B.O. for many as they start to change. In the U.S., deodorants are actually regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

Sweat is the fluid of our body’s air conditioning system. Sweating is a normal occurrence, but sometimes in a hot environment, during exercise, or from stress, a person might sweat much more. For example, physical activity can stimulate the sweat glands producing a fluid that the cells carry and travel to the surface of the skin. When a person is sweating extra, the body is just really trying to cool itself down. 

Around the 1950s, body odor became socially inappropriate. This started the deodorant market that preyed on people’s insecurities to avoid smelling bad. Now, we have options on the shelves including sticks, roll-ons, and sprays. There are a number of fragrances too. 

Deodorant doesn’t prevent sweating. It is the smell blocker that tries to target the fats and proteins that have become bacteria. Antiperspirants prevent sweating. When there is no sweat, there is no bacteria, which means there is no smell. The aluminum and zirconium in this product plug up the sweat glands. There are many rumors that antiperspirants prevent the body from naturally releasing toxins. This back up has been said to be linked to cancer. This has not be proven. 

Most of us put this product on after the morning shower. Different recommendations say morning, others say night before bed to clog the pores when they are less active. Which variety a person chooses might be trial and error to see which one most effectively fights B.O. Some people (men) have vary hairy arm pits, some people just sweat more, and others don’t want any residue left under the arm. Whichever the pick, body odor is a personal hygiene taboo. Cover up the smell or slow down the sweating rate. We tend to keep buying the type that works best for us and personal preference (like scent) does influence our buying choices. Just be sure to roll or spray on your BO blocker of choice for your health and happiness and those in your vicinity haha.  

Every BODY's Fit 'FIT Life" Video: Stop worrying

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3218 Video: Ab bench combinations for Core

Friday, November 29, 2019



Beer is one of the oldest and widely consumed alcohol beverages in the world. Brewing different types has become increasingly popular. Beer is brewed from cereal grains which include malted barley, wheat, maize (corn), and rice. This brewing process is called fermentation. This produces starch sugars, ethanol, and carbonation, which results in beer. Today’s beer is brewed with hops, which creates the flavor and bitterness. Sometimes other items are added instead of hops for flavoring which includes fruits and herbs.

Alcohol in any form can have health effects, especially considering the amount (regardless of the type). In a world that classifies moderate drinking as one drink per day for women and two for men, overconsumption is commonplace. Beer is empty calories when it comes to nutritional consideration. Most beers contain between 140 and 200 calories. A light beer might have about 100 calories. These added calories and the fact that alcohol causes the body to burn less fat for energy, can lead to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. The body will burn acetate instead for energy. Beer also effects blood sugar levels. Alcohol interferes with the liver converting glycogen into glucose. Beer also is a diuretic which can cause fluid loss and dehydration. It can interact and interfere with certain medications. Because it is made with wheat and barley, anyone with gluten intolerance can be affected.

Craft beer has become the popular type on tap. Sales have reached a new record. Craft beer is a small and independent particular type of beer. Craft beer still only makes up about 10% of the beer industry when this includes major sellers like Coors or Anheuser-Busch, but there are close to 2,500 craft breweries popping up across the country. Baseball stadiums are carrying it too. The fan favorite Bud Light just isn’t cutting it for everyone anymore. Beer lovers are starting to turn towards fun, new flavors. Indian Pale Ales have grown 40% in the past three years. Beer drinkers are experimenting, and beer makers are experimenting at the same time. New innovative styles are being made every day. Sampling rooms are a new trend to try different types and give new brewers a chance to pilot launch their products.

The market is planning to expand and has started to make it portable. Golf courses and markets are starting to carry them. Wholesalers and retailers are catching on and carrying lines of new brews more and more. People’s habits change and craft beer is the new evolution of one of the world’s oldest alcohol beverages.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Be in the present

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3213 Video: Forward lunge pinch lateral rais...

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3212 Video: Clap unders for Total Body

Saturday, November 23, 2019



When your muscle suddenly becomes hard and tight or you feel a quick sharp pain in the calf, a muscle cramp has struck. It can happen while in motion when out for a run or even during a night’s sleep. This type of involuntary contraction is a spasm we would rather forgo. Without warning, the onset of a “Charley horse” (cramp that occurs in the calf area), is marked by temporary pain that we want instant relief from. Cramps are never fun to endure, and one just has to breathe through it, stretch, and massage out the area until alleviation kicks in.

There are a number of triggers that can cause muscle cramps. In order to avoid future spasms, knowing the causes becomes important. A cramp can be the result of poor blood circulation. Exercise related stress can bring on a cramp. Being dehydrated or deficient in magnesium and/or potassium, can be causes. Hot temperature is also a culprit, especially when being active. Not stretching enough can also lead to cramping. There are also medications that can lead to cramping. These include diuretics, certain Alzheimer’s medications, statin medications for cholesterol, as well as some osteoporosis and high blood pressure medications. Nerve compression can also cause a pinch that produces a cramp. Muscle mass lessens with age so what muscle is working may be more stressed than normal and overworked much more easily which can cause cramping. Muscle cramps are common during pregnancy as the body is undergoing a lot of changes. Certain medical conditions like diabetes, liver, or thyroid disorder can also heighten the risks of cramping.

Prevention includes staying hydrated, properly stretching, and making sure to eat healthy foods with nutrients. These include vitamins, minerals, potassium, and calcium. Potassium is found in many choices including vegetables, bananas, berries, potatoes, melon, citrus, meat, fish, and milk. Caffeine found in coffee, soda, and other beverages does affect fluid hydration in the body so be sure to replenish with water. Exercise and activity that lasts over 60 minutes can lead to glycogen depletion which can lead to fatigue which can lead to cramps.

Although only a temporary sensation and typically harmless, an unexpected bout of pain never feels good. It is important to seek a doctor’s help if these cramps are reoccurring or persistent. A nutrient imbalance may not be readily noticeable. Finding the cause can help avoid future incidences. Muscle cramps happen to almost everyone, few and far in between, but when they strike, they aren’t forgotten. The healthy folks of Bonsall and Fallbrook know that less is more when it comes to “Charley horses”.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" Video: Dip versions for Upper Body

Thursday, November 14, 2019



Self confidence attributes to a happy personality. Low-self confidence attributes to depression, influences how you view yourself, and hinders how you interact with others. It is an important piece to the happiness pie. Maybe your daily routine could use a few small changes to boost your self- confidence.

1.       Smile: This can lead to positive emotions. The physical act of smiling tells your brain to feel secure and upbeat.

2.       Do a good deed: You feel better about yourself when you brighten someone else’s day. Send a card, compliment someone, or bake someone their favorite dish. Your mood will improve.

3.       Volunteer: Meaningful giving can help you feel connected to others and better about yourself for helping someone else.

4.       Dress: Clothing can affect how you feel. Your outfit says something about you. It doesn’t matter if you sit at a desk all day and no one sees it, because you still hold judgment about yourself.

5.       Learn something new: Taking a class or enlightening your mind with new information can perpetuate self confidence as you know you are doing something positive.

6.       Exercise: This can improve your mood, relieve stress, and help the way you feel about your appearance. Self-discipline and reaching fitness goals can be uplifting.

7.       Eat right: Eating healthy helps your appearance and helps your mood. This leads to more energy and more self-confidence.

8.       Posture: Standing up straight displays self-confidence. There are physical benefits to this, but it also communicates that you feel you belong and should be where you are in the moment.

9.       Get organized: Managing small pieces of your life helps you feel in control.

10.   Others like you: Assume that people like you instead of worrying what everyone else thinks. People don’t always focus on your flaws the way that you do about yourself.

11.   Ignore your inner critic: Stop telling yourself that you are not good enough or not worthy. Give yourself some credit.

12.   Avoid the mirror: Stop being addicted to looking at your physical imperfections. You are your own worst critic.

13.   Make eye contact: This is a confidence radiating mannerism.

14.   Stop procrastinating: Creating stress does not make you feel good about yourself.

15.   Have me time: Spending time on just you is important. Get a facial or your nails done. Go play golf. You are telling yourself you are worth taking time for. 

We all want to be confident about who we are, what we do, and our presence on this Earth. Self-confidence is a personality trait that must be fulfilled for happiness. You can be happy, and it starts by believing that you are enough.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Talk yourself into it not out of it

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3197 Video: Leg extension versions for Lower...

Thursday, November 7, 2019



There are four main types of blood: A, B, AB, and O. Blood type is determined by antigens found on red blood cells. Each letter refers to a type of antigen. A blood type is also called a blood group. Which type a person has is determined by the genes they get from their parents. Every person’s blood is unique because they have their own set of antigens and antibodies. Most people have 4-6 liters of blood in their body. The cells that float in this liquid are called plasma. In 1901 the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner discovered that there are in fact different blood types. Before that, doctors thought that all blood was the same.

Red blood cells deliver oxygen to different tissues in the body and remove carbon dioxide. White blood cells destroy bad invaders and fight infection. Platelets help the blood to clot.

Blood type is based upon two different antigens: A and B.

Group A has the A antigen and B antibody.

Group B has the B antigen and A antibody.

Group AB has A and B antigens but no A or B antibodies.

Group O doesn’t have A or B antigens but has A and B antibodies.

Rh factor determines if a person’s blood is positive or negative. Positive means you have Rh and negative means you do not. Rh is another type of antigen. Therefore, a person can have A positive or A negative, B positive or B negative, AB positive or AB negative, or O positive or O negative blood.

Blood type is important because is two different blood types mix, they can clump and this can be fatal. This can cause a toxic reaction. During a blood transfusion, the donor and recipient must have the same blood types. Blood types don’t always have to be an exact match to be safe. In fact, type O has been referred to as the universal blood type because it used to be thought that it could be donated to anyone. That is not always one hundred percent true. However, type O is considered the safest to donate in times of emergency or when there is limited supply.

Recently there have been claims that people can eat to their blood type to achieve better weight loss results. There is not enough scientific evidence to this claim yet.

Blood is part of all of us and knowing our type is important in case we ever are in a crisis or can help someone out who is in one. When we can safely share and help one another in times of need, but blood is not meant to be freely shared. If you don’t know your blood type, ask you doctor and find out. You never know when this information can come in handy.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Maintenance

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3190 Video: Walking planks

Friday, November 1, 2019



Aspirin is a salicylate (derived from a plant) and is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). The earliest uses of this drug date back to the Greek physician Hippocrates in the 5th century B.C. He used a powder extracted from willow’s bark. It works by blocking a certain natural substance in your body to reduce pain and swelling. Today you can walk into most any store and purchase this product. Almost anyone and everyone has used it, but when it comes to kids, it is important to consult your doctor before treating a child younger than 12 years. Aspirin is a home remedy or doctor prescribed treatment for so many different purposes. It’s that easy remedy we turn to first at the sight of pain or discomfort. 

Aspirin is the fixer upper solution to many conditions. The most common uses include trying to reduce a fever, making a headache go away, reducing pain and swelling, and to helping alleviate symptoms of a cold. Aspirin in also a blood thinner. Often times a doctor will prescribe its use to help prevent blood clots. This is especially true prior to a surgery, when a doctor might prescribe a low dose of aspirin to help ward off blood clots in the process. This can also help with the prevention of heart attacks, strokes, and help reduce chest pain. A doctor might recommend the daily use of aspirin as a preventative method. 

It is used to aid muscle and tooth aches. When taking at your own will, always read and follow the directions. The dosage is dependent upon the condition but it important to not exceed amounts outside of the recommended directions within a 24-hour period. Everyone’s body responds differently to aspirin, but some of the less serious side effects include heartburn and an upset stomach. More serious side effects include kidney problems, vomiting, bruising, bleeding, ringing in the ears, dizziness, or feeling constantly tired. It is always important to consult a doctor at the first indication of any of these adverse effects. It is important to avoid aspirin if the person has a bleeding disorder, particularly stomach or intestinal bleeding. Aspirin poisoning is one of the common forms of accidental poisoning in children. Inappropriate dosages to children and elderly cause this poisoning too. The first signs of poisoning include ringing in the ears, rapid breathing, and dehydration. 

Aspirin is a drug and it is always important to address any medical attention that goes beyond the scope of self care with a doctor. Aspirin seems to fix about any symptom, but only temporarily. Listen to the body and when over the counter isn’t effective, a doctor should be advised. Pain is not meant to last, but don’t keep masking. Take aspirin as needed in the advised amount and it may just fix what needed a little attention.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Work on the inside too

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3184 Video: Single leg touchdown lateral rai...

Sunday, October 27, 2019



Food thrown out, gone bad, or not eaten, has become a wasted resource in America. Some studies have put food waste at 30-40% which is almost 1/3 of our national food supply. Of course, the perishable food items, specifically fruit and vegetables, are the most commonly thrown out. It can be tempting to point the finger at restaurants or grocery stores, but the reality is that food waste is a household phenomenon. Food distribution can also be considered part of the problem.

Shockingly, Americans are throwing away nearly 6 billion pounds of food every month. The main reasons for this include:

1.       Cosmetic reasons: Foods such as fruits and vegetables have blemishes on them or lose their appeal becoming discolored over time.

2.       Over-purchasing and over-stocking: Buying in bulk is the new fad and stores cater to saving money when this is done. The consumer feels they are getting the best value for their dollar, even if they don’t eat all they have purchased.

3.       Sell-dates and expiration dates: There can cause confusion about how long a food can be stored for, and most people are overly cautious and better safe than sorry when it comes to this factor. 

The problem is that hunger and food insecurity are a problem in America. Nearly 40% of food supply is being lost. There are nearly 50 million people who live in households that do not have adequate food supply. Our food supply costs nearly $165 billion and 25% of our fresh water supply is used for this production. That means that water supply is also wasted.

We might have been raised and told to finish everything on our plates. Yet today’s food culture displays the bigger the better, making portion distortion a leading cause of the obesity epidemic. It is important to learn how to shop, cook, and store food properly, even if it takes added time or extra dishes to clean. Get behind the movement of legislation that supports lowering food waste helps our society as well. Donating extra food is always highly recommended. Someone who is looking for their next meal at a shelter, on the street, or at the food bank, are in need. These facilities are primarily volunteer based, and every little effort will help. Check the shelves at home before grocery shopping to see what you truly need first. Buying in bulk is resourceful, but this may be more applicable to processed foods with a longer life that allow for more time to eat them. Food is our fuel and the body needs nutrients to function. Don’t waste such an important resource we are lucky to have.

Friday, October 18, 2019



The trouble with dinner time.... well this can be complicated and it is a common problem. Do you have a habit of overeating at dinner?? There are a number of reasons why dinner can derail a diet and end a positive eating day with a plethora of bad choices in one meal.

1.       Skipping meal prep: Most people tend to meal prep for the meals that are not at home for. They pack their snacks and lunch with the intention to come home and then make the healthy dinner they are planning to have. However, when work ends and errands start or appointments or driving the kids around, the window for dinner time preparation becomes smaller and smaller. Suddenly it’s easier to just grab fast food, order a pizza, or just have bowl of cereal or grilled cheese. Sound familiar??

2.       Emotional eating: Food can be comforting. After a long stressful day, mind you of positive eating, you finally just break at the end of the day. Baked chicken or pasta and garlic bread?? One just sounds so much more appealing than the other after dealing with people all day, endless meetings, and all the stress that somehow accumulated. Sound familiar??

3.       Time: After work doesn’t mean that the day is over. Say work ends at 5pm. You hit the gym, pick up your prescription, and then have to stop at the store, and now it’s 8:30pm. Time to cook?? Well by the time you do it’s 10pm and you are too hungry to wait. So fast food or warming something else up rather than what was originally planned is the easier solution. Sound familiar??

4.       Cooking for the family: Cooking separately for yourself takes time and effort because not everyone likes your fish, rice, and vegetables. The kids want macaroni and cheese and your spouse says why do they need to eat like you are. Now you are cooking three different items instead off all in one. The effort and time make you frustrated so you cave into having what everyone else will be having. Sound familiar??

5.       You didn’t eat all day: You got caught up at work and had to skip lunch. By the time you got done, you missed your snack too. You feel ravenous and could eat a cow. Dinner sounds amazing and you go into overdrive eating more than you normally would. Instead of eating throughout the day, you overate all at once at dinner. Sound familiar?? 

I like to think of these dinner mishaps as the number one reason why we have to plan ahead. We have to line up what we are going to do and take the time in advance. Some people just know that the afternoon is when life hits so they workout in the morning. Some people just know they have to take care of everyone else after work. Some people just know they are too tired after work. In our vulnerable, hectic, and most stressful times of the day, that is when our preparation kicks in the save us. Don’t wait on dinner time to suddenly make the right choice, because often time willpower has been all used by that time of day. On that note, what are you having for dinner tonight??

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Prove it to yourself not others

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3179 Video: Static lunge punch twist for Upp...

Thursday, October 10, 2019



“I’m getting old”, is a common phrase we use to associate aches, pains, and ailments with. Blame it on age. Degeneration, slowing down, and parts not operating like they once used to, all come with age. Most of these issues are normal and are common culprits. Some are preventable through lifestyle, while others just happen in the “golden years”. The senior population is growing and by 2030, 1 in 5 Americans will be over the age of 65 years. Women’s average lifespan is over 80 years and men 75 years. Just because people are living longer doesn’t mean these ailments are going away. Keeping one’s bones, belly, and brain in tip-top shape is very important. Here are some common complaints:

1.       Osteoporosis: Bones tend to become thinner and weaker with age. The bones can become fragile and easily break. Breaks become more susceptible with falls and sometimes even every day movements. As we age, the body absorbs old bone tissue faster than new bone can be created.

2.       Vision loss: Macular degeneration and glaucoma are common. The part of the eye that allows us to see detail, degenerates over time. The risk for macular degeneration increases 30% after age 75. Glaucoma is due to fluid pressure in the eye. This causes loss of peripheral and direct vision.

3.       Hearing loss: About 43% of people age 75 and older have some degree of hearing loss. This is usually the loss of high pitch noises. Eventually is can be the loss of any type of noise.

4.       Bathroom problems: Constipation can be common with age with about 26% of women and 16% of men having this issue over the age of 65. This can be due to less physical activity, dehydration, and less fiber. Women can also have urinary incontinence. The pelvic muscles have lost their strength. Men can have this problem due to an enlarged prostate.

5.       Cognitive impairment: Becoming forgetful or confused is commonplace, but as this progresses concerns may arise. Alzheimer’s can develop and can cause irreversible brain damage.

6.       Arthritis: About 1/3 of people over the age of 65 have this. The fluid and cartilage in our joints does wear out. This can cause pain and is common in the hips, knees, wrists, spine, and fingers.

7.       Balance issues: About 40% of older Americans have balance issues. This can be from dizziness, medications, or other medical conditions.

8.       Heart disease: The heart ages with you and this causes it to work harder. This can lead to heart related problems such as heart attack and stroke. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in persons over age 65. Healthy lifestyle can help reduce this risk.

9.       Flu/Pneumonia: The immune system becomes weaker with age. Complications from the flu can result in pneumonia. 71-85% of flu related deaths are from people over age 65.

10.   Diabetes: The risk for development increases with age. Blood sugar become too high and this can cause problems for the eyes, kidneys, and nerves.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Eat less from packages & more from th...

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3171 Video: Forward lunge openers for Upper/...

Friday, October 4, 2019



In this world, there are morning people and there are night owls. Our body has a natural 24 cycle called circadian rhythm. This is a person’s internal clock that wakes them and puts them to sleep. Some people have a naturally longer cycle and others have a naturally shorter cycle. This cycle isn’t always set in stone and can change throughout life. Young children tend to be early birds, teenagers tend to stay up late, the college years are very late, and then adulthood seems to change people back to the morning time.

A person who is a night owl might not be able to survive a morning without caffeine. This is especially true if there is a day job that makes the early alarm clock go off. Night owls have been said to be more depressed and consume more alcohol. At the same time, night owls have been said to be able to stay more focused throughout the day without getting tired.

Morning people tend to have more regular sleep patterns because they arrange their bedtime to align with the early risings. There’s err on the side of caution of staying up too late. They have been said to feel better overall than night owls.

There are a number of traits that differentiate these two types of people. Just for fun they will be revealed, but that does not mean they’re scientifically backed.

1.       “Early birds get the worm” vs “Even owls catch the rodents and insects they want with their amazing senses, even without sunlight”.

2.       Early birds are perfectionists vs night owls are go getters: morning people live a more strict regime while night people are more impulsive and spontaneous

3.       Early birds wake up with smiles, while night owls wake with frowns: The morning doesn’t mean ready to start the day for everyone.

4.       Early birds are proactive vs night owls are smarter: early birds operate on the hours most of the world does between 9-5.

5.       Early birds like tea while night owls like alcohol: these are beverages associated with time of day

6.       Early birds like breakfast vs night owls like dinner: Time of day and time of eating just work in that favor

7.       Early birds are older vs night owls are younger: seniors are known for waking before the rest of the world while young kids stay up much later and enjoy the night life. 

The body and time should be friends, but variety is the spice of life. Early birds might drift towards friends who are early birds too and this could be said for night owls too. We all have to sleep, I guess it’s a matter of when.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: It's easy to cancel on yourself

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3165 Video: Seated breast stroke lifts for U...

Friday, September 27, 2019



Getting stuck in a hole of comparing yourself to others can wreak havoc on self-esteem. Confidence in question leads to poor self-worth. In today’s social media imaged filled culture, one can find themselves lost scrolling, clicking, and then thinking about how they shape up to what they see. For example, when it comes to fitness, you can tell yourself from that start that your goal isn’t about the weight loss numbers. Then you look at a feed of so many before and after photos, only to find yourself wondering why your results don’t add up the same. At work, you compare your performance to others so that you feel productive or purposeful. In school, you become competitive with grades. At restaurants, you look around to see what others have ordered. Parents compare themselves to others. They question whether their child should have a cell phone or not because their friend’s child is the same age and has one.

We can become so busy worrying about others, we loose sight of ourselves. We start to blame others for our own actions. When we have done the best job that we can there is no need to compare to anyone else. You have to be proud of yourself, otherwise you never live up to what you expect. That leads to depression and a downward path to negative thoughts. You actually limit yourself when you compare yourself to others because you are basing your potential on someone else’s.

All of this means that it may be time for a social media detox. It many be time to water your own grass and not worry about your neighbor’s. Don’t resist the past and accept where you are and aspire for where you want to be. Life might have been messy or bumpy, but the straight and narrow path doesn’t necessarily equate to happiness. Lack of adventure doesn’t mean success. You are writing your own movie, and the ending isn’t fixed. There is more to come, so play out the scenes how you want to see them. Be grateful instead of always wanting more. Maybe you aren’t meant to have more. Don’t let fear guide you. Comparison is a form of fear. It is not being confident in your own self to be strong on your own, no matter where that leaves you in the line-up. It is okay to be inspired by others, but don’t compare yourself to their aspirations. You are you. You have to be nice to yourself and learn to ignore the bully in your head. It’s time to be happy and to be free from comparison. So let those scores go, you are the winner of your own life.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Skipping leads to more skipping

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3160 Video: Row to kickback to bicep

Friday, September 20, 2019



The thought of sitting in a plane for many hours, just screams germs. Everyone is sitting in an enclosed spaced, breathing recycled air, and then there are people who cough and sneeze in this air. Traveling during the holidays also is the time of year for colds and the flu season. Some studies say you are 100 more times likely to catch one of these while up in the air. Switching seats from the sick person next to you is not always an option. Being mindful of what you touch with your bare hands is always a good idea to be highly cautious of. Think about the number of people who are using the same bathroom on the same flight. Think about all the items with luggage, shoes, and matters of personal hygiene that are all in one location.

In between flights, under the constraints of time, the flight staff might not have had enough time to thoroughly clean. Between all the seats, seatbelts, and buttons that people touch, there are a lot of places to wipe down. Going row by row, aisle by aisle, is not always possible when trying to stick to a timely flight schedule. So the germs just stay there and then next layer of germs now enter to make matters worse.

There are shared earplugs, blankets, and pillows. There are so many germs and many people eat the airplane food not even considering to wash their hands first. There are only one or two bathrooms and a line so hand washing gets neglected. Planes are actually pretty old too. Some of the very planes we fly in today are over 20 years old. That means unless the upholstery and additional seat belts have been readily replaced and refurbished, the germs just keep piling on. People become tired and fatigued and then careless with their germs. There are also children who don’t cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze and put their hands in their own mouth and noses only to continue to touch parts of the plane.

We have to be ready to fly with our germ protectant force ready. Have hand sanitizer ready, bring your own pillow and headphones, and try to avoid touching any common areas with your bare hands. Staying hydrated and making sure to take a multivitamin to keep immunity up is important to come prepared and try to avoid catching something in the air. Travel is fun and safe, but not free from germs. You never want to arrive at your destination feeling sick and unlike yourself.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Forward thinking

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3153 Video: Side plank lifts with kick for T...

Friday, September 13, 2019



Almost a daily decision we face is what to eat….followed by where?? Eating our or eating at home is a daily choice with both pros and cons among these options. Sometimes this choice is a matter of taste-buds or it can based on budget. We have to eat to live, but what we eat is the topic of our mind’s conversation on a regular basis.

Eating out

Going out for food can be a nice treat, a normal part of one’s day, or as part of a celebration. There is a social aspect that brings people together. It’s nice to see others outside of the work or home setting. Eating out provides the opportunity to eat foods you wouldn’t normally have or to try something completely new and popular. There’s no preparation, just order and eat. There might be coupons or specials to take advantage of. There are also plenty of different beverages to select from to wash down the meal. There’s no clean up, it’s normally faster, and it’s easier to please a variety of people with different needs and food preferences. It can be a nice break from a routine. However, dining out usually involves eating foods higher in fat and sodium. This portion distortion has paved the way for the obesity epidemic. The idea of convenience overshadows health and nutrition.

Eating at home

When eating at your own place, the cost is lower. You are not paying for the labor, rather, you are doing the work yourself. It is a way to socialize as you prepare the meal and can have many helping hands. It is easier to accommodate to needs (allergies, time, or getting everyone in one place). Eating with children can be less stressful at home versus at a restaurant expecting them to behave. You can even cook extra or more to have as leftovers later. Freezing large portions is meal prep conducive. Cooking at home can also give a person the opportunity to feel accomplished by pleasing and providing for others, as well as making new recipes or food from scratch. You also know what you are putting in your food with all the ingredients and what the food is cooked in. You are better able to serve yourself just until you are full or to have the willpower to not overeat. You are able to be in our space, use your own pots and pans, and then appreciate the work you have done.

Everyday involves eating and no one can say they don’t think about food at some point on a daily basis. The trouble is that food is so much more than just eating, rather, there is an entire emotional and psychological component involved. In the end, what we put on our plate, be it out or at home, will affect our health. The freedom of choice can sometimes be more agonizing than rewarding.

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Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3146 Video: Front bar squats for Lower Body

Friday, September 6, 2019



Food that makes you feel good. Food that provides well-being. Food that is home-cooked and a reminder of childhood. Food that is usually high in fat, sugar, and carbs. After a hard day or bad experience, we start looking forward to a particular type of food. Most people can name their top 3 go-to foods. The food alters our mood by comforting our emotions. Maybe it was a terrible day at work and you can remember your mom making you hot chocolate and brownies when you came home from school and had a bad day. So now you associate hot chocolate and brownies with comfort, consoling you after a troublesome time.

Some people say tuna melts, some say macaroni and cheese, some even say creamed spinach. We crave these foods because the fats, sugars, and carbs activate the brain’s reward system. This brings pleasure. It is a form of emotional eating and using food as a coping mechanism. It also makes us feel like we belong. Comfort foods are reminders of good times with family and friends. Think of Thanksgiving. Making turkey and stuffing and having the whole house warmed with this smell, is a reminder of this time of year and gathering with loved ones. Comfort foods are a momentary indulgence

Your gut talks to your brain. Eating these foods can help deal with stress and intense situations, for the time being. Eating becomes an urge driven by emotions and moods. We know that deep down eating won’t solve the problem, make the feeling permanently subside, or settle the issue at hand. Yet, living in the moment can be human nature to just feel better. The problem is that the mind makes the connection that food is making you feel better and suddenly this become a habit to reach for, no matter how or big or small the dilemma. What was once a “sometimes” method to just get through a bad day has become a every Wednesday after the staff meeting you hate, treating yourself to dessert and happy hour. The cycle continues. Our relationship with food is complex, but don’t make it even worse by overusing and abusing a comfort method. Emotional eating rarely leads to weight loss or fitness results.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Exercise is therapeutic too

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3139 Video: Bent over balancing triceps kick...

Friday, August 30, 2019



A career life and the adulthood that goes along with making a living, can correlate with lots of time spent sitting. the hours of being sedentary increase with age and eventually, less time is spent being active and making healthy choices. Between office lunches, entertaining clients and customers, the spread in the breakroom, vending machines taunting in the hallways, and whatever co-workers decide to share, the combination of more time seated with more sugary and fat ridden foods, become a recipe for gaining weight and increase the risk for poor health.

Some of the most common jobs that are prone to weight gain include the following:

1.       Software engineer: IT professionals are prone to getting wrapped up in projects that lead to skipping meals and then eating junk food when there’s time to scarf something down. All this while sitting at a computer.

2.       Nurse Practitioner: Ironically this profession in the health field that advocates for nutritious eating, is rampant with stress eating.  

3.       Teacher: Between students, other staff members, parents, and standardized testing, this profession can be stressful. Managing a classroom setting all day then taking homework to grade can lead to stress eating and reaching for whatever is closest and most convenient to eat.

4.       Police offer: There are many hours spent patrolling, sitting, and observing. When there’s action this can be very stressful. Dealing with life threating situations does lead to stress and often times comforting foods.

5.       Bus driver/ Taxi/Uber/Lyft Driver: Night or day, this job is all sitting and eating on the go.

6.       Administrative assistant: This profession requires juggling the lives and schedules of everyone else, leaving little self-time. Often times, this person is the first one in the office and the last one to leave, sitting and working away to help others.

7.       Call center or sales jobs: The phone is always in hand and each hour is filled with constant conversation while sitting. Customer service can be stressful, while meeting commissions and quotas. 

Stress alarms the body as cortisol levels strike. Feelings of fight or flight lead a person to want to suppress such levels of high emotion with food or drinks. The mind doesn’t always turn off at the end of the day, and poor sleep leads to poor choices. Waking up tired attracts the easy route when it comes to what to wear, what to eat, and this can lead to complete disregard for extracurricular activities like exercise. Even though a person might be sitting all day, coming home and sitting more sounds more appealing then hitting the gym. Suddenly, years have past and pounds have added up. Your I.D. badge depicts an entirely different body shape. Don’t let stress and your career cut years off your life. Don’t work just to use your health insurance later to cover the costs of the damage that has resulted to your body. Find time for health and set the example to your co-workers that quality of life is critical and necessary.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: It's now

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 3131 Video: Low squat jumps for Lower Body/C...

Saturday, August 24, 2019



What’s breakfast without cereal when you were a kid?? Super convenient and taste bud pleasing, but is cereal actually healthy?? Cereal does come from processed grains. How cereal is made is highly processed starting with processing the grains into flour, then adding sugar and water, undergoing high temperatures to shape the cereal, and then drying out the product into the final shapes. Nutrients are added, hence many of the labels stating fortified with vitamins and minerals. This crunchy food is typically enjoyed with milk or yogurt in puffed, flaked, or shredded form.

The major trouble that comes with cereal is the added sugar. Consumers are often misled by false claiming labels. You have to read the nutrition facts, not the claims that say they can lower cholesterol or help fight diabetes. The next problem with cereal is that most people eat well over one serving at a time. Most cereals abide by ½ cup to 1 cup per serving with around 200 calories. However, a “bowl” of cereal is much more than this amount. Many cereals also contain refined grains, so it is important to find those that are whole grain so that more of the nutritional value is intact. To help out, always look for cereals that contain at least 5 grams of fiber per serving. Another worry with cereal is that it can pack on the sodium. Therefore, between the added sugar and sodium, it’s no wonder we want to keep adding more and more to the bowl if there is milk left. Some cereals contain up to 500 mg per serving. When it comes to sugar, some cereal equates to eating cookies. Cereal also does not contain much protein at all, which means it doesn’t necessarily keep you satiated unless of course you eat a large quantity of it.

There are close to 6 million types of cereal. There are many crispy and crunchy brands. Cereals is quick and easy, and of course has a longer shelf life than eggs and toast since it is a highly processed food. There are also hot cereals such as oatmeal and grits. All types of cereal either come in corn, wheat, or rice form. This ready to eat packaged option makes the morning routine much easier to manage. The worst types of cereals are those made for children and they can contain up to 50% sugar. The packages only claim the good qualities, but it is important to read further into your selection. All of the colors and shapes make cereal fun and attractive. Even in adulthood we can be nostalgic for a good bowl of cereal. For some, it’s a late-night snack too. Always read labels, always. Then make more informed choices because how you start your day can direct your energy, mood, and performance.