Friday, October 4, 2019



In this world, there are morning people and there are night owls. Our body has a natural 24 cycle called circadian rhythm. This is a person’s internal clock that wakes them and puts them to sleep. Some people have a naturally longer cycle and others have a naturally shorter cycle. This cycle isn’t always set in stone and can change throughout life. Young children tend to be early birds, teenagers tend to stay up late, the college years are very late, and then adulthood seems to change people back to the morning time.

A person who is a night owl might not be able to survive a morning without caffeine. This is especially true if there is a day job that makes the early alarm clock go off. Night owls have been said to be more depressed and consume more alcohol. At the same time, night owls have been said to be able to stay more focused throughout the day without getting tired.

Morning people tend to have more regular sleep patterns because they arrange their bedtime to align with the early risings. There’s err on the side of caution of staying up too late. They have been said to feel better overall than night owls.

There are a number of traits that differentiate these two types of people. Just for fun they will be revealed, but that does not mean they’re scientifically backed.

1.       “Early birds get the worm” vs “Even owls catch the rodents and insects they want with their amazing senses, even without sunlight”.

2.       Early birds are perfectionists vs night owls are go getters: morning people live a more strict regime while night people are more impulsive and spontaneous

3.       Early birds wake up with smiles, while night owls wake with frowns: The morning doesn’t mean ready to start the day for everyone.

4.       Early birds are proactive vs night owls are smarter: early birds operate on the hours most of the world does between 9-5.

5.       Early birds like tea while night owls like alcohol: these are beverages associated with time of day

6.       Early birds like breakfast vs night owls like dinner: Time of day and time of eating just work in that favor

7.       Early birds are older vs night owls are younger: seniors are known for waking before the rest of the world while young kids stay up much later and enjoy the night life. 

The body and time should be friends, but variety is the spice of life. Early birds might drift towards friends who are early birds too and this could be said for night owls too. We all have to sleep, I guess it’s a matter of when.

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