Sunday, November 13, 2016



As much as I like to go-go-go, having a rest day is an important element of a fitness program. The body needs recovery especially as we target and train specific areas. The amount of rest needed is different for every BODY (as you know), and there are different factors that play into this. So let’s discuss the rest component on your fitness journeys. 

When we exercise, we are actually putting stress on our bodies. Certain movement patters involve our joints and weight baring exercises add resistance to challenge the body. Repetition also comes into play. We want to avoid over training the same areas so giving the body time to recuperate is vital. I have to tell myself that it’s better to have a rest day then to over train, get hurt, and then not be able to exercise or have to modify constantly until healed. Generally, it’s about a 48 hour rest period needed for specific body part training. Again, this varies BODY to BODY. Here’s a good synopsis: “Rest days are actually implemented in many professional training plans, even those of Olympic athletes, in order to allow the body time to recuperate. As we work out, we place greater strain on our muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and joints. Our immune system is activated when there are muscle tears or joint strains, but if the body doesn’t come out of continual practice, this system doesn’t have the time to catch up and start patching everything back up. Thus, if you’re building muscle, you should take a day off from lifting the same region so the body has time to repair the muscles you’re working” ( 

I also want to throw in the fact that having a mental break from exercise helps too. Just stepping away from the activity can reinvigorate your attitude and motivation. You may even miss it!!!! It’s just like getting away from work; you need to step away from the environment in order to return with a good attitude. Otherwise, burn out can occur. I’d rather be working out of course, but maybe the weights need a break haha. How about this example: “Picture your body as an electrical socket that powers all of your daily activities. The activities, no matter how intense, are the appliances you plug into that socket. If you plug in a 64” Plasma TV, sound system, blender, lamp, microwave, electric guitar, and treadmill into the same socket what happens? The system shorts out. Your body isn’t much different” ( 

Over training can lead to lack of motivation, stress injuries, poor results, and chronic soreness. Your BODY speaks to your mind. As a trainer, I know that we all have complaints and that me holding you accountable is certainly important. So there is a fine line between are you just not feeling like doing this or are your truly needing to rest?? There also begs the question of living in the moment and finishing all the repetitions through the pain versus having the humility to stop and tell yourself it’s not for my BODY today. 

Truth be told, a rest day will actually help you run faster/longer, lift heavier, and overall feel better. The entire bodybuilding experience has certainly taught me this lesson. I take Sunday as my rest day and by Monday I honestly do feel better. And I have been extremely hard headed about this concept even though I know I am right to take that break. Our metabolism and body systems need a little break too. And we don’t want to wear down the immune system from the constant demand of exercise. 

So incorporate that rest day into your fitness journey. It is best to try to keep the same day each week in order to commit to your routine and schedule. Don’t let one day to another and another though. Listen to your BODY and take care of the one you have. Remember the journey not the race of these lifestyle changes you are making. And remember that your BODY is worth every effort you are making.

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