Wednesday, February 19, 2025



Seems like temptations lurks on every corner when you are trying to lose weight. Most of the time, it’s our very own friends, family, and co-workers who are the “food pushers”. These people insist you have some, continuously offer, pressure you as they share, and inadvertently are trying to sabotage your diet. These people are not exactly supporting your change, rather, they’re making you feel guilty at happy hour and for skipping out on the birthday cake.

When faced with this predicament, the best answer to a food pusher is a solid, “No thank you”. There doesn’t need to be an explanation or justification. If you feel you need a follow-up, simply add, “No thank you, but I’m on a special diet”. When they just keep pushing, it’s time to say, “No thank, but I’m on a special diet and honestly I could use your support and encouragement”. Now, the guilt has been spun back around. Psychology 101.

Here are some additional tips to help with food-pushers and the ever-prevalent temptations all around you:

1.       While at work, ask that the treats and sweets be kept in the break room. They don’t need to be paraded at the entrance, rather, obtaining the donut requires a special trip to physically go up and get one. You are less likely to cave in when the visual proof is out of sight to better lead to out mind.

2.       2 bite-rule of take and toss: This means that you accept the offer, merely nibble, then destroy of the evidence. The taste buds had their moment and you didn’t say no to offend anyone.

3.       At family gatherings or catered events that food is put in front of you: You can say I’m full right now but I’m going to take it home for later. You could say I’ve got a little upset stomach so I’m going to wait to take it home and actually have this at an enjoyable time for my stomach.

4.       Your spouse or partner really likes eating out and wants to continue to do so: Try healthier locations and say that you want to start to expressing love in other forms rather than food.

5.       Happy hour is every Friday: It’s time to try club soda with lime. You don’t have to miss out, but you have to learn to enjoy time with others without chewing or drinking. If someone keeps the pressure on, just say you have been getting major headaches from alcohol so it isn’t worth the risk.

6.       When someone says you have to try something: Tell them you will later. Stalling can make the immediate pressure subside then be forgotten.

7.       When someone says that the food is your favorite and you will love it: Just say you already had some. Little white lie for your waistline won’t hurt anyone.

8.       When someone tells you that one bite isn’t going to kill you: Just tell them that you are bottomless pit and once you start you won’t be able to stop so better not let that happen.

9.       When someone keeps saying have more or have another drink: Just say you have to drive or that you still have another engagement to stop by after so better not get too much in your belly now.

10.   When you are forced to take left overs: There are plenty of people in need of food or take it to work the next day for someone else to have. You don’t have to throw it away, but you can also take the plate and “accidently” set it down and leave it. Oops.

Yes, these replies all seem easy and caught in the moment you have to have the confidence and will power to assert yourself. Goals are goals and don’t let others, offerings, and those food pushers deter you from what you ultimately want to accomplish. 

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