Jaundice occurs when the skin turns a yellowish color, even including
the whites of the persons’ eyes and mucus membranes. The yellow pigment is the
result of high levels of bilirubin in the body which is a type of bile. The
liver produces bile which is a fluid that helps with digestion. Bilirubin’s
specific job is to help breakdown red blood cells. Causes of jaundice could be
from tumors, gallstones, and/or hepatitis.
During the production of bilirubin, there are factors that
can affect this process, thus resulting in jaundice. Causes could be alcohol in
the body, the presence of hepatitis A, B, and/or C, medicines, anabolic steroids,
metabolic defects, and/or autoimmune disorders. Any of these could impede upon
the two phases of bilirubin production which include the reabsorption of large
hematoma (when blood collected under the skin). The other phase involves hemolytic
anemias which is when blood cells are destroyed before their lifespan is over.
Other than seeing the yellow pigment, signs of jaundice
(short-term) include fever, flu-like symptoms, chills, abdominal pain, and/or
very dark urine. Visible signs include bruising, palmer erythema (red color on
the palms and fingertips), and spider angiomas (collection of blood vessels
surfacing the skin). The inflame size and tenderness of the liver can also be a
symptom of jaundice. This is because jaundice can occur with liver disease. There
could be blockage that is happening while bilirubin is being produced. This
could occur from gallstones, pancreatic tumor, and/or gallbladder cancer.
Jaundice itself doesn’t necessarily have to be treated, but
the causes and side effects can be. Some people get itchy skin which can be
treated with topical creams. Some people vomit and have an upset stomach which
can be treated with herbal teas and ginger. Being careful of liver health is
important and one would want to stay away from alcohol and treat any form of
hepatitis. Adequate hydration is critical. Some foods are more liver friendly
than others. Packed, canned, and smoked foods should be avoided. Whole, fresh
foods are the best options. There are also herbal remedies. Following a healthy
diet and keeping a healthy weight is always pivotal for good health. It isn’t
jaundice itself that is the problem; its causation that should be addressed.
Our body gives us warning signs we shouldn’t ignore.
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