Sunday, June 18, 2017



As a business owner, fitness addict, health advocate, and professional natural bodybuilder, keeping my body fueled and functioning at peak performance is vital. I don’t ever chat supplements and don’t like to because of legal ramifications, but let me share with you about the greatness of Juice Plus which is whole food based nutrition. In my life, there are no sick days, there is no time for being sluggish, and I certainly want to workout at my best level day to day. So Juice Plus has been my solution for the past 9 years. I do sell this at the studio, but as a not-so-salesy type gal, I will lead by example again, and share with you about the product here. 

We are told to have 17 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. But who does that?? Juicing was the popular craze to achieve this, but Juice Plus has been around much longer and is a cheaper, more convenient and effective method. Our bodies can only do so much, but we are responsible for taking care of ourselves via nutrition and activity to aid in our health. Simply stated, “Whole food based nutrition delivers powerful antioxidants that provide your body protection, because it relies on fruits and vegetables. According to the National Cancer Institute, antioxidants are “substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Examples of antioxidants include beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamins C and E and other substances. Many of these antioxidant substances come from fruits and vegetables” ( 

I personally take the Orchard and Garden Blend which has the following ingredients:
• Apple • Acerola Cherry • Beet • Cranberry • Date • Orange • Pineapple • Papaya • Peach • Prune • Broccoli • Brown Rice Bran • Cabbage • Carrot • Garlic • Kale • Oat Bran • Parsley • Spinach • Tomato •

Juice Plus has the research stacked behind it. This product has proven results in its ability to improve and aid with healthy gums, heart health, oxidative stress, skin, inflammation, and lung health (just to name a few). All this information is publicly available to read on their website
This is not a weight loss product which is a question that always arises for me. But in reality, if we did want to consume all the fruits and vegetables required, our sugar and carbohydrate intake would be quite high so we are finding a source that encompasses all of this for us. On my own fitness journey, I don’t take supplements just Juice Plus. No multivitamin is required. From a girl who has been in this fitness industry a long time and in the past I tried every fat burner, every everything to be cool with the other trainers, I know that having natural and whole foods the best approach. Not even the common cold has hit me in a long time. Feel free to inquire more and do your own research, and if interested let me know and we can start your Juice Plus today.

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