Sunday, January 15, 2017



Food is a battle many face on their fitness journeys, mainly because we have to eat to live. Unlike other aspects of our lives that we can work to eliminate that could be causing us problems, food is not a factor we can just get rid of. Overeaters Anonymous is a program aimed to help with anumber of eating problems including overeating, undereating, anorexia, binge eating, over exercising and bulimia. Let’s explore what OA has to offer and how it can help with the battle of food. 

When I scoped out the general website, there were 15 questions one could look at to see if OA might fit a description of what a person is looking for. These questions focused on eating behaviors. From there I was drawn to the Overeaters Anonymous Preamble: “Overeaters Anonymous is a Fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength, and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. We welcome everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. There are no dues or fees for members; we are self-supporting through our own contributions, neither soliciting nor accepting outside donations. OA is not affiliated with any public or private organization, political movement, ideology, or religious doctrine; we take no position on outside issues. Our primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors and to carry the message of recovery through the Twelve Steps of OA to those who still suffer” (

The program follows the 12 Twelve Steps. Sharing stories and empowering one another with tips, tools, and resources creates an anonymous, help seeking, environment. It’s human nature to not want to feel alone during struggling times. It can be reassuring to not feel like an alien about issues with food because those who have not experienced a similar situation may not be able to grasp your state of mind. Success comes in all forms: (


I do refer clients to OA for the support network. It is an additional resource on their fitness journey. As we know, honesty is uncomfortable but only when we are being true to ourselves can we start the process of becoming the best versions of ourselves. Collaborating with others and discovering their tools of success for themselves can be empowering to keep trying. This is a journey and seeking help is important, but not always easy to admit that it’s needed. OA can be that anonymous environment you might need to face food issues.

1 comment:

  1. I've attended meetings in the past. It was eye opening. I'm glad you promote support groups.
