Sunday, December 4, 2016



The popularity of the Paleo diet has been on the rise the last few years in the fitness industry. Certain gym chains have even promoted and included this method with their training. So what exactly is the “caveman” diet?? Let’s explore this topic more. 

It’s simple. If you eat like a caveman then you will lose weight. Here you go: “Loren Cordain, PhD, who literally wrote the book on The Paleo Diet, claims that by eating like our prehistoric ancestors, we’ll be leaner and less likely to get diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other health problems” ( . Nicknames include Caveman Diet and Stone Age Diet because you are eating lots of meat and veggies. Pounds are meant to drop by sticking to these two sources. 

I like the idea of no processed foods in this highly artificially based food industry that exists today. It is important to note that meats need to be grass-fed. Restrictions include no dairy, refined sugar, potatoes, salt, refined oils, peanuts, or beans. Some of these items I wasn’t aware of were eliminated but when you think about it, cavemen weren’t farmers (so there’s the distinction). The long term success of keeping to these limitations can be costly and time consuming. Lots of kitchen time is required if no items can come from a can or package. It’s interesting to think how dependent we can become on canned goods, out of box, or from a jar types of foods. The idea of less sugar and carbs transpires the pounds to drop. 

There are some definite positives to this approach. These include: “Right from the start you can see how well this diet is going to control blood sugar levels. In a world where many of us experience rollercoaster-like blood sugar fluctuations, this aspect alone proves to be an extremely beneficial aspect of the set-up. The more stabilized your blood sugar levels are, the less likely you're going to be to experience food cravings, to battle ongoing fatigue, and to be at the potential risk of developing type 2 diabetes down the road. Since the paleo diet is also chock-full of healthy fats from all the seeds and nuts that are being consumed while also being low in saturated fat due to the restriction of dairy and high-fat meat sources, this is also going to work to improve your cholesterol profile and help to reduce the risk of heart disease.” (

Every BODY has a different approach on their fitness journey. Planning and preparing are the keys regardless of the tactic. Most CrossFit gyms promote Paleo. Some companies even make ready to go Paleo meals. In the end, do what’s sustainable for YOU. Of course diets work, but they’re temporary right?? Continue to work on being the best version of YOU for your BODY and the results will follow.


  1. Megan, I absolute love the sensible manner that you approach weight loss and diet information in general. It's so completely empowering. I'm learning and I love it! Thank you!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read the Blog and for always being such a great supporter!!!!

  2. Good post. You know I favor this type of eating but you are right. It takes a lot of prep and that is a struggle in this fast pace life we live. Our food is important and it should take a priority.

    1. Thank you Vanessa. You have learned yourself the power of preparation with food and planning your week. Hope you are feeling better.

  3. When I stick to a Paleo diet, weight and body fat comes off. Plus, Megan, you're right about the effects on lowering cholesterol and balancing blood sugar levels. And you're even more correct about diets work if we stick with one that works for us. I say diets work if we work the diet. Then we have to learn to maintain. Great blog. Thanks.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read the Blog. Food is a constant in our lives and finding what works and sticking to it is challending but so rewarding.
