Sunday, April 24, 2016



Some jobs are physically demanding and some folks are practically able to get their workout in while working. It’s a pretty great deal if you love your job and don’t mind this type of labor. Not everyone has that 9-5 sitting behind a desk workplace. Personally, you all know I could exercise all day everyday if the body let me so no doubt I love my job and the perks of being constantly active (well minus being hungry all the time from it haha). So in this Blog, let’s take a look at some of the most physically demanding jobs and I hope your job made the list. We hear so much about sedentary office jobs sitting behind the computer all day so let’s take a look at the other side for a change.

Well you will never guess what one article states is the most physically demanding job…. an astronaut!!!! Working at zero gravity automatically puts a person at a disadvantage. ( Of course the life of a soldier requires a lot of demand on the body. We appreciate all those in the service do for us especially when the job entail that one has to, “Jump, run, drive, crawl in difficult terrain, and use heavy and complicated machinery. You have to battle against all sorts of people and obstacles meant to kill you, so you need to be on your toes and willing to act whenever is necessary” ( Firefighters are definitely undergoing physical demands on the job. When they aren’t in an emergency they are training and working out to be ready: “You need to be fast, strong, and have quick reflexes. The hoses and equipment used in fire trucks are bulky and heavy, and the water pressure when you use a hose would send any normal person flying. For this reason alone, firefighters are required to be able to bench-press at least 200 pounds. They also need to have perfect sight and hearing and be trained to stand against extreme conditions, especially against high temperatures and under pressure” ((

Other very physical jobs include oil rig workers, fisherman, and lumberjacks. Not only can these jobs be dangerous, but they require long hours, lifting very heavy equipment, and working in unpredictable and harmful conditions. Farmers also have a physically demanding job. Planting, watering, harvesting, and then doing these tasks all year round puts the body in constant motion. Construction workers are also using their bodies a lot. Usually beginning at sunrise, these workers are climbing ladders, working with cement, lifting heavy items, and being in crouching or uncomfortable positions for long periods of time. All of these jobs require endurance and mental toughness to see the job to its end.

Movers have it pretty tough too. Imagine being assigned to transporting all the furniture and items from people’s homes. Retail and the restaurant industry jobs also require people to be on their feet for an extended period of time and depending on their specific job they might have inventory to arrange or shelf stocking to do. Plus, if the business has stairs one might be going up and down constantly. Teachers might be on their feet all day too depending on the subject. We know that standing burns more calories than sitting so ideally any job that a person is on their feet more than in a chair is more physically demanding.

Oh I have tried office jobs before. They certainly did not suit me well. When I was a weight loss counselor and sitting at a desk, I felt like I needed to walk up and down the hall or get my blood flowing instead of just sitting. I think that it can be easy to get used to sitting and then one doesn’t even realize how much time adds up in a chair. Think about the jobs you have had or have now and compare the physical requirements to the sedentary ones. This might impact your fitness journey and your decision as to how much activity before or after work you need to add to your schedule. We always hear about the desk and technology jobs, so I hope this was enlightening that there are still some folks out there sweating for their paychecks haha. 

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