Sunday, February 7, 2016



Water is absolutely essential for our health. After all, over half our body weight is made up of water. It leaves our bodies just as quickly as it enters, so keeping hydrated is critical on our fitness journeys. Recently, alkaline water has hit our grocery store shelves and is stirring up some attention. So what exactly is alkaline water??

Let’s start with some terms that might be unfamiliar to some of us. Truthfully, I didn’t even know what the word “alkaline” meant before this Blog. To summarize, “Alkalinity and acidity are measured on the pH scale, which is a scale from 0-14 that measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in compounds from batteries to food. Neutral is measured at 7.0, while acids are below 7.0 and alkaline compounds (or bases) are greater than 7.0. Alkaline water is water that measures anywhere above a 7.0 on the pH scale” ( Well, science and chemistry were never my strong subjects, so I’m still a little fuzzy. The pH level of our tap water and other sources can vary depending on location, but shoot, I drank out of the hose growing up so what makes this water special??

Living near the alkaline water location in Carlsbad, I see people stand in lines all time waiting to fill their jugs up. I’m impressed by their efforts and as such, I wanted to know what the rationale behind this work for water is. Advocates say, “It can neutralize acid in the bloodstream, act as an antioxidant, boost metabolism, and even cure or prevent disease” ( Alkaline water contains alkalizing compounds which are “calcium, silica, potassium, magnesium, and bicarbonate” ( Many people who drink this type of water also follow the alkaline diet which involves eating less acid forming foods. Some of the foods that caught my eye not to eat included most citruses, raisons, apples, wine, and cherries. Meats and grains seemed to be okay food to consume. ( .

So the overall idea is to create a more alkaline balance in your body by drinking this water. However, our bodies already naturally keep our pH in balance. Critics say, “Focusing on the pH level of our water is sort of beside the point. Because if alkaline water is helpful, that might be due to the minerals it contains rather than its pH level, per se. Also, keep in mind that overall body alkalinity isn't always a good thing. For example, if you have a kidney condition, or you're taking a medication that alters kidney function, some of the minerals in alkaline water could start to accumulate in your body. In this case, high alkalinity might lead to negative side effects” (

Proponents say that alkaline water can improve our gut health. There are properties in the water that can disinfect our systems. Maybe athletes should replace Gatorade with alkaline water: “Because intense exercise spurs muscles to produce more hydrogen ions than one can efficiently remove. Thus, acidity increases and fatigue sets in. Drinking alkaline water might enhance the body's buffering capacity and temper the acidity, thus improving our performance. Note that mineral supplements (calcium, magnesium, potassium) decrease cardio-respiratory stress and blood lactate responses, while improving power output in endurance athletes. That's why long-distance runners sometimes supplement with sodium bicarbonate. Alkaline water may work similarly” (

Whatever conclusion you draw from this Blog, keep drinking water. We have to replenish our bodies, flush out the toxins, and keep our joints lubricated. So drink up!!!! None of us can argue the benefits of water in and of itself. For me, my gallon and a half of water per day keeps me running at full speed. As much as I drink, alkaline or not, I know that water helps my body. One sip at a time, just like one rep at time…. we are reaching our goals and working towards being the best version of ourselves we possibly can. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I appreciate you putting forth info and then both points of view.
