Sunday, October 18, 2015



It is no coincidence that there’s certainly a connection between the increase of obesity and the increased hours of inactivity in people’s lives. So much of what we do has become available literally “at our finger tips”. Between technology and office jobs, the majority of one’s day can be spent in the seated position. There are consequences that can result from this lack of movement.

Even though we are recommended 30 minutes of daily activity, or those 10,000 steps, this is not a regular occurrence for many. Corporate America has created the desk job environment in the workforce. Furthermore, “Sedentary jobs have increased 83% since 1950; physically active jobs now make up less than 20% of our workforce. In 1960, about half of the US workforce was physically active. Our average workweek is longer. Full-time workers in the US work about 47 hours working each week – that’s more than 350 extra hours worked each year” ( So much of what we do now is just a “click” away. Some jobs also require travel, increasing one’s time spent on planes or in vehicles. Mass transportation has made biking or walking to work less common.

The statistics speak for themselves. Here are some of the most interesting numbers that I came across (
1.     65% of American watch 2 or more hours of television per day
2.     Women are more likely to lead sedentary lives than men
3.     Sedentary lifestyles are responsible for an estimated $24 billion in direct medical spending
4.     300,000 deaths occur annually due to inactivity and poor dietary habits in the United   States alone

Prolonged periods of sitting does impact one’s health. There is an increased risk of colon and breast cancer. The risk of Type II diabetes is increased as well as the chance of a stroke or heart attack. Lean muscle tissue becomes atrophied, making daily living activities like going to the grocery store more difficult. As we age, we tend to become less active so we need to fight these risk factors and get moving.

Some offices have started offering stand up desks to help fight the 8 hour sitting day. Many fitness gadgets have been developed to help motivate people to get their “steps” in. It is important that one doesn’t just arrive home from a sitting job to sit even more when they get home and watch T.V or relax. The balance between calories consumed and calories burned is not in one’s favor when doing this. The hours add up. We are built to move so we need to start doing it more. It feels good to stand and move and get the blood flowing. We suddenly become more alert and re-charged. I think of it like kids at recess; they need to get the energy out to come back to class and be still for the rest of the day.

Take a moment to consider how many hours per day you sit. How can you add more motion into your day?? Small changes do add up and just a 15 min walk during the work week day adds up to over an hour of movement added to your week. Yes, it takes effort and more time than you might like. We need to take care of our bodies, because we only get one. So stand up right now and get moving!!!!

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