The Bruce Jenner buzz
inspired this one….
My definition of body
image is when we look in the mirror, it’s the reflection we see and how it is
influenced by our mind in regards to our appearance, our shape, and overall how
we are currently feeling towards ourselves. Some days we are content or feel
all dressed up and pretty, and other days we would rather run and hide. How a
person feels about their body plays a large role one’s self esteem, confidence,
and general sense of self- worth. The mirror can be our best friend or our
worst enemy
Below are the descriptions of positive and negative body image
according to the National Eating Disorder Association (
Negative Body Image
A distorted perception
of your shape--you perceive parts of your body unlike they really are.
You are convinced that
only other people are attractive and that your body size or shape is a sign of
personal failure.
You feel ashamed,
self-conscious, and anxious about your body.
You feel uncomfortable
and awkward in your body.
Positive Body Image
A clear, true perception
of your shape--you see the various parts of your body as they really are.
You celebrate and
appreciate your natural body shape and you understand that a person’s physical
appearance says very little about their character and value as a person.
You feel proud and
accepting of your unique body and refuse to spend an unreasonable amount of
time worrying about food, weight, and calories.
You feel comfortable and
confident in your body.
I’m sure that most of us
can relate to some of these descriptions. I have done an activity in the past
with clients asking them to evaluate their body image as it relates to
self-esteem. Many of the answers surprised me, but also greatly helped me understand
that as I strive to help improve your bodies, I’m also working to improve the
part of your brain that sees your body and likes it. It’s an honor helping you
improve your mind’s view of yourself and who you are because I know how much it
means to you.
My own body image
certainly varies. I know how hard I work for my body, so I can get frustrated
wondering what more could I possibly do. At one point I crossed the line of
being too skinny and now sometimes I have feelings of being too masculine. At
the end of the day, I like my muscles. However, when I attend a wedding or an event
that requires me to wear a dress, I feel extremely uncomfortable and out of
place. I have to wear a cardigan. Put me in some yoga pants and a tank top and
I’m at ease. Then there are times that I look at Hollywood trainers and think
to myself I need to look like that, but I know that’s far-fetched. My head
games trouble me too.
I wish I could be the
voice inside your head telling you how great you are and how great you look. It’s
important to think about the good qualities we have that we like about
ourselves and to not always focus on the negative. Physical appearance doesn’t ‘define
us, we have to also be fit for our health. So this week I will be asking you to
tell me what your think your best features are?? You have all told me your
flaws, but I want to know what you like best about your body!!!!
Wow thank you for your honesty. I seriously would never have really guest you truly had negative thoughts of yourself. I know sometimes you say it but I never truly believe you, I always assumed it was your way of trying to connect. As a fat girl my perceptions tend to be way off. It never really crosses my mind that I would have anything in common with a skinny girl. You work so hard so I assumed you loved you more then I love I'm rambling but this post shocks me. Thank you for your truth
ReplyDeleteHow about this: Just when I'm starting to get into a smaller size, I see recent photos of myself and think, "omg...I thought I was smaller than that!". Talk about body dysmorphia, but the other way around! I'm not terribly uncomfortable with my present self, but it definitely motivates me to see old and new pictures and know what I do want for myself. Thanks for reassuring us that you're human, Megan. You're still an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteOn the outside I apparently show confidence. On the inside I have difficulties accepting compliments about myself and about my work. I really need to work on my self esteem issues. With that being said, something positive I can say about my body is my blood pressure is normal and my cholesterol is in check. I have a lovely smile and gorgeous hair. :-) There thats a start.