The majority of processed foods do contain food dye,
also called artificial food coloring. What might seem harmless and decorative,
might raise concerns about health risks. Of course our drinks, candies, and
baked goods look bright and lovely, but looks can be deceiving. Children
consume it the most and overall consumption has gone but my 500% in the last 50
Oh the things we do for appearance. Food dyes are
chemicals that originated in 1856 from coal tar. Only a handful are okay for
consumption and the rest are considered toxic. The attraction to artificial
food dyes versus natural ones are the bright colors it makes. Manufacturers
want to draw our eyes in and make us envision the foods even when we aren’t
having them.
- The
FDA has approved food dyes as being safe, but controversy still surrounds
this approval. These are the currently approved FDA food dyes and what
they’re used for:
- Blue No. 1 (Brilliant Blue): popsicles, icings,
ice cream, canned peas, packaged soups.
- Blue No. 2 (Indigo Carmine): ice cream, candy, cereals,
- Red No. 3 (Erythrosine): cake decorating gels,
candy, popsicles.
- Red No. 40 (Allura Red): candy, condiments, sports
- Yellow No. 5 (Tartrazine): chips, cereals, candy,
soft drinks, popcorn.
- Yellow No. 6 (Sunset
Yellow): sauces, preserved fruits, baked goods.
The most commonly (90% of
foods) used dyes are Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6. One might question when a
dye like Green No. 3 is approved by the FDA but not in Europe. However,
Quinoline Yellow, Carmoisine and Ponceau are approved in Europe but not
the US. Seems risky.
There isn’t a lot of
science to back up the claims regarding the harmfulness of artificial dyes,
although studies have been done. There can be possible changes in children’s
behavior which have been linked to hyperactivity. Some doctors recommend
eliminating artificial dyes from children who may have ADHD. Questions have
also been raised about the relationship between food dyes and cancer,
particularly Blue 2 and Red 3. Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 might be
contaminated with cancer causing substances. The best answer is to eat whole
foods, not processed. This takes away the risks possibly associated with food
dyes. Eat food in its natural color and form. Prepare your own food. It can be
scary knowing what is put in our food to preserve it, but the best solution is
to shop yourself, cook yourself, and to choose healthy options for your meals
and snacks.