Thursday, January 27, 2022



Oh the beloved carb we seem to not be able to live without…. BREAD. It is the most widely consumed food in the world and there are so many types. Bread’s introduction was almost 30,000 years ago, so imagine the number of slices that have been consumed. It was fried on stones. After a long day, when needing an easy option, or just to feel satisfied, most people turn to bread not exactly celery sticks to do the trick. The problem is that this highly refined grain isn’t exactly on the weight loss plan. Whole wheat is the better option as opposed to white products, but in the end, it seems as though the more bread someone has, the more they want.  

That burger is much better with a bun. That sandwich is much better with the toasted outside layer. When dining out, that wait goes by much faster with bread. And what’s a pizza without the crust?? Oh and a PPJ….nothing beats that. If Oprah says she can still eat bread and lose weight, well by gosh it must be okay.  

The trouble is that refined grains raise blood sugar much faster than complex carbohydrates. People with type 2 diabetes should pay particular attention to this. Additionally, when this blood sugar spike happens, it also reverses very quickly which initiates hunger. Then another carb snack sounds good. Most bread has about 12 carbohydrates per slice, which isn’t too bad, but they you double this for the sandwich. Calories and nutritional information varies by brand. Gluten in bread has become a more common problem, especially in people who have Celiac Disease. Bread also contains high fructose corn syrup like most processed foods. Bread contains phytic acid which actually blocks mineral absorption. It’s also a culprit for causing vitamin D deficiency. It has also been known to raise cholesterol. There just aren’t a lot of nutrients in bread which makes its calories pretty empty 

It is common for people to have toast in the morning, a sandwich for lunch then a burger or even salad with a slice of bread. We don’t even realize it. Brand and grain type of course matter, but overall, the advocacy for bread is a challenge. A bagel here and sandwich there, we know moderation always counts. Health food stores are starting to introduce brands that are certainly an improvement. If you can go without, then I suggest you do. No one ever died from lack of bread. Cut back for a couple weeks and you will see and feel the difference. Your body is more important that your taste buds 😊  

Monday, January 17, 2022



Fear is stifling. This emotion puts a halt to forward movement, specifically to change. On our fitness journeys, we know that change is required. Old ways have led to the decision to be fed up and do something about our health. But fear can stop anyone from hitting the green light and starting. We feel threated by the new environment that will surround us. Like we feel safe in our home, we feel safe in our comfort zone of habits. For me, it’s trusting God’s plan that overcomes fear for me. His plan and protection are my guidance and shield.  

Here are some of the reasons that prevent putting one foot in front of the other and doing what needs to be done:  

  1. Losing your freedom – we are giving up power to the structure of healthy living; the comfort zone was free will to live life without consequences 

  1. Pain – exercise is uncomfortable, there will be soreness, and there will be times your body with hurt from the hard work 

  1. The Unknown – results may or may not happen and you don’t know what life without cake would be like 

  1. Disappointment – not knowing precise results or setting too high of expectations 

  1. Failure – not meeting your own expectations or reaching some timeline of progress you desired 

  1. Loneliness – your fitness journey is unique to your and your body, so that might mean straying away from the crowd and being strong enough to turn down drinks and food 

Fear isn’t always rational. Let’s face it, being healthy is unquestionably important. We tend to work ourselves up emotionally about events that may or may not even occur. There is a loss of control with where this journey could take you. But if we live our life in fear, we may never see the pot of gold on the other side of the rainbow. Taking control and doing what is best for your BODY shouldn’t be scary. Fear the fact that you might live longer ðŸ˜Š Don’t fear what has not or may not ever happen. Live today and every day with the hope and intention that your fitness journey will better YOU in so many different ways 

Monday, January 10, 2022



Intuition is your instinct. When you use your immediate feeling versus conscious reasoning, that’s intuition. We understand or feel something immediately. We don’t need proof or evidence because we just know. It can be a great gift as a human. When we have that gut reaction, hunch, premonition, or third eye, this magical phenomenon helps us steer through life. The brain is on autopilot. It is nonconscious thinking. But the question we have to ask ourselves is if we should go with our intuition??


For example, when a relationship is developing, we make hunches about how that other person is feeling about us or how we feel about them. When taking a test, we might problem solve better if we just go with our first thought. Intuition is like the first impression that we make. On the other hand, making impulsive intuition decisions when it comes to financial circumstances might not be the best. There may not be a right answer, but we feel we know what the answer is anyways.  

Sometimes not having reasoning or proof and following our intuition leads us down the better path. Many people meet me and I have to trust that they will follow their intuition that I will help them. Yes, there proof in my testimonials, but how can I prove a certain number on the scale will appear?? You won’t know until you try and prove the result to yourself. I think every relationship starts and ends with intuition. However, when it ends, we sometimes have proof that the other person isn’t “the one”. We have to wait for good old intuition to finally kick in to walk away. I’ve found that listening to my gut usually turns out better. Facts are facts but sometimes, I know my mind is on my side and wouldn’t head me down the wrong path.  

When it comes to your health, intuition tells you that you don’t feel right and need to do something about it. You don’t have to have statistical data to tell you that your chronic fatigue is the result of lack of movement for several years of sitting at a desk job. Your intuition for your health is like the yellow light before you hit the read. Then when you listen to your intuition you the green light puts you into action. Even when you aren’t being measured on your fitness journey, your intuition tells you that you need this and is working and serves its purpose. Your mind and intuition are on your team, so sometimes don’t fight the good fight against yourself. You are so much better and deserve so much better than that and my intuition told me that ðŸ˜Š  

Tuesday, January 4, 2022



Almost everyone has a cell phone. in fact, 94% of Americans have a cell phone, which means 9 out of 10 people. Everyone is ready to connect and communicate at any time. Most people have them on hand at least 16 hours a day, so that includes at night because of it’s alarm clock use. We are able to contact anyone almost anywhere at anytime. The average person checks their phone at least 150 times per day, much more than they ever considered that they do. The swipe and click across the screen become almost second nature. Between calls, text, emails, and social media, the phone is entertaining and used for many purposes. Did you know that 90% of texts are read within 3 minutes of receiving them? Fast communication anywhere we are has made incredible changes to the way we interact with one another.  

Remember when all you could do was call a person’s home phone in the hopes that they are there? If not, you left a message with no expectation of when they might check it and get back to you. There weren’t private conversations like there are now. The home phone was used and shared by all in a central location. If you wanted to reach someone, you actually had to speak to them. Talking was the communication modality, whereas today, texting with emojies and shorthand has become a whole new language. There was an understanding not to call too early or too late because the phone ringing would disrupt the household. Calling before of after business hours was pointless. People are even using cell phones now while driving. Checking the cell phone can now almost be considered a hobby.  

The fact is that you could be reading this very article on your cell phone now. Scrolling can become an addictive behavior. It fills time while waiting, can be a distraction from the task at hand, and it spikes your curiosity and interest. All the apps are designed to hook you in. Social media notices what you like and look at then start to use this in the advertising and marketing that is displayed in your feed. The cluttered landscape of ads and scrolling makes you feel like you can’t concentrate anymore with information overload. People are using their phones for calendars, appointments, stop watches, alarm clocks, banking, credit card processing, Netflix, and the list goes on and on.  

So where does the disconnect begin? You set it aside for a while, decide to take a break from social media, try to not look at your text and emails so often, but in the end society has changed. There’s an expectation to be connected. There’s an expectation to be available. We could all benefit from being present int eh current moment. The idea of this seems impossible since new and improved versions of phones continue to be released. Don’t forget those who are right next to you in the same room. Don’t forget to look up from your phone every now and then.