Friday, June 29, 2018



We know that the best investment we can make is in our health. Having a gym membership is a proactive approach to meeting daily activity requirements. The facility has the resources to move the body in all types of modalities. Trouble is that that gym doesn’t have the motivation or accountability to get you there consistently despite the payments being made. No one is holding your hand, but the monthly bill continues to be charged. Ringing in the New Year vows to go to the gym are made by so many. But come March, the novelty wears off and the extra effort just isn’t the same. But you keep paying. Unlike Every BODY’s Fit, I’m not there waiting for you, tracking your attendance, telling you what to do, texting you if you don’t come, and making sure you schedule to come back.

Statistically, only about ½ of the people with gym memberships go at least 100 times per year. And the owner thrives on this because if everyone actually went, capacity would be exceeded immediately. Gym owners need about 10 times as many members than those who actually attend in order to turn a profit. (

So why do people keep their membership if they aren’t going?? Well, there’s that initiation fee that resurfaces if you leave and come back. You tell yourself you are going to go….someday. It’s only $10 a month or $25 etc. Some people don’t even notice they are still being charged so they just keep on paying and not going. You are grandfathered into the original cost from 15 years ago so to leave and then come back would mean higher fees. Having the gym membership is popular, yet so under-utilized. It was a good idea back when you were motivated. It was a good idea when they had that special. But now, are you still going??

Clearly, I have a case for my line of business. I truly want to help and inspire others. In the studio’s environment we are a FIT Family so it does go noticed when you aren’t here. You are making a commitment to become the best version of you. It is my hope that you continue to come because you are worth it. Invest in your BODY because when you love your BODY and take of it, your BODY will love and take care of you. That is the ultimate best outcome of every BODY’s fitness journey.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Your health is an investment not an e...

Friday, June 22, 2018



Eating. We have to do it, but man on man do we overdo it. In fact, it’s very possible that people don’t even know what ONE true serving size is. We eat what is in front of us, and generally when there is more in front of us…. we eat more. Mom and Dad said finish what is on your plate. When we were kids, no one had just one plate of spaghetti. Going back for more meant you liked it, you are complimenting the cook, and your stomach can fit another helping.

We consider a “petite” filet, 8oz. Well, about the size of a deck of cards is what a true one serving size of chicken, fish, or most meats should be. I always love to point out to my Southern California friends what the amount of avocado should be. Think about guacamole. I could eat an entire bowl. When in fact, ¼ avocado is one serving. Even though this is a healthy fat, it doesn’t mean it’s a free for all.

The struggle becomes real when we get to side dishes. Rice. Oh rice. I could eat it for days, especially when I went to South Korea. 1/3 cup is the true portion size and that is about the same amount of carbohydrates as 1 slice of bread. So when we just keep eating sushi or have a rice bowl somewhere with meat, in the end, we had about 6 slices of bread.

Juice is a troublemaker too. With the sugar content, even if totally fresh, ½ cup is one serving. Daily orange juice in the morning adds up. Plus, many folks mix these juices with their cocktails.
Bagels. Well if we went by portion control, a New York bagel is 6-7 servings.
I’m rocking the boat I know 😊

It’s just too easy to have more. When you buy a soda, let’s say 20oz, you naturally want to and do drink the whole bottle. Clearly, that is more than once serving. I think back to the amount of Gatorade I used to have. So much sugar, but I didn’t know. We didn’t used to know. We didn’t used to talk about calories. In fact, I don’t think I knew what a calorie or serving size was until I got to college. But now that we live in a world of processed foods and more is better, the health consequences are starting to bring awareness to this.

Please read the Nutrition Facts labels and consider how much you are consuming. Oh yeah, imagine Thanksgiving haha. Food is celebration and comfort. We have to reconsider this and focus on nourishment. Don’t distort your portions and your results won’t be distorted. Re-teach yourself. You can do it. Plus, you will save money and have left-overs to enjoy the foods that much longer.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Zinc

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Zinc

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 858 Video: Lateral Hold Calf Raise for Upper...

Friday, June 15, 2018



You workout. You eat right. SO what’s the problem?? The stares, the glares, the FIT shaming. Health is a priority and should be. Not everyone feels that exercise, turning down a drink, or choosing a salad over fries is appropriate. How can health be looked down upon??

Ever been told you like fine how you are?? Is working out being self-absorbed?? Is working out pregnant being selfish?? Is leaving the kids at daycare an hour longer so you can hit the gym bad parenting?? Is spending money on memberships and trainers not putting family first?? Is taking a gym selfie of your progress vain?? These are all FIT shaming related topics.

When health is a priority, you make time for it. You wake up earlier, stay up later, spend extra time to prepare food of nutritional value, and this doesn’t mean you are taking time away from anything or anyone. Why does this have to be an either/or situation??

Even I have been told to eat something or get the demeaning tone questioning my working out so much. Eating clean is somehow not normal. It is possible to have work/life balance. It is possible to utilize your time and still accomplish what responsibilities need to get taken care of.
Where do we draw the line between too fit or too overweight?? Polar opposite yet still frowned upon depending upon who you ask.

On our fitness journeys, we have to consider the source of the remarks. Surrounding ourselves with encouraging and supportive people sets us up for better results. We are all entitled to give and take criticism and opinions, but that doesn’t mean they’re fact or truth. The lesson would be to understand what it feels like to be on the receiving end of these words and to not reciprocate or repeat this behavior towards others. We need to LIFT each other up. Otherwise, we continue to build walls, lack communication, and regret not living to our fullest due to fear. Inspire those who need your motivation and ignore those who don’t understand your journey. It’s not for them to understand, it’s for YOU to feel and be your BEST!!!!

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Paleo Blood Iodine Levels

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 851 Video: Lateral Shoulder Openers for Uppe...

Friday, June 8, 2018



It’s the stuff that made Head & Shoulders famous. Dandruff is that flakey mess on the scalp that nobody wants to have. It’s an uncomfortable secret most people try to hide. This skin condition can be a real self-esteem kicker and stereotyped as being associated with poor hygiene.
Well, dandruff is actually the result of skin cells on your scalp shedding more quickly than usual. Skin cells are in constant reproduction and they actually die and shed off of us all the time. Here’s the rundown: “The main cause of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis, a condition that turns the skin oily, red, and scaly. The white or yellow scales flake off, creating dandruff. You can get seborrheic dermatitis anywhere you have oil glands, including your eyebrows, groin, armpits, and along the sides of your nose” ( But it is a little gross and sort of making my stomach turn that dandruff is triggered by a fungus called Malassezia. It actually lives on our scalp and having too much of it causes that extra skin to multiply then “flake” off. Malassezia can also be over productive in the face of age, hormones, and stress.

There are other causes as well. If you don’t wash your hair enough, more oil builds up, and then the skin builds up and sheds off. This is more common in males, which doctors believe is hormonal. It is also common in people with Parkinson’s disease and HIV due to lower immune system functioning.

Treatment would start by washing the hair more frequently and making sure to clean the scalp using your fingernails. This can help unclog the pores on the scalp where oil built up. Certain shampoos are also helpful. According to EMedicineHealth, “The best shampoo choices include those containing zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, and tar-based shampoos. Prescription dandruff shampoos such as ketoconazole offer no benefit over over-the-counter brands” (

Self-care is health care on our fitness journeys. As I aim to help every BODY feel comfortable in their own skin, let’s not have it flaking off our scalps 😊 When we sweat we do produce those oils on the scalp, so maybe an extra hair wash or two per week is in need. Hey, I got you covered head to toe, not just Head & (to) Shoulders.

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 844 Video: Reverse Pushup Tap for Upper Body...

Friday, June 1, 2018



The term “doctor” is quite general and all-encompassing when it comes to what these experts actually do in their fields of practice. There are so many elements to our bodies, which creates a need for  doctors who specialize in several hundred subjects. On our fitness journeys, and as I study to become a Dr. in Health and Human Performance, I wanted to take a moment to discuss the most common types of these specialists so that we can seek help as needed.

Allergists/Immunologists – treat our immune system, food allergies, eczema, and asthma
Anesthesiologists – administer drugs that alleviate pain for surgeries and childbirth
Cardiologists- treat heart and blood issues such as heart attack, high blood pressure, or heart failure
Critical care – treat failing heart or failing organs typically after a bad accident
Dermatologists – hair, skin, nails
Endocrinologists – hormones and metabolism
Gastroenterologists – digestive organs
Geriatric Specialists – elderly
Hematologists – blood diseases
Internists – complex illnesses usually after your primary care refers you
Geneticists – genetic disorders
Gynecologists – women’s reproductive system
Nephrologists – nervous system (brain, spine, nerves)
Obstetricians – pregnant women
Oncologists – cancer specialists
Ophthalmologists – prescribe glasses or contacts, can treat eye diseases and medical conditions
Optometrists – more general eye exams
Osteopaths – uses more of a whole body natural approach
Otolaryngologists – ear, nose, throat, head, neck, plastic surgery
Pathologists – identifies through lab work the causes of diseases
Pediatricians – treat from birth to young adult
Podiatrists – ankles and feet
Psychiatrists – mental, emotional, addictive disorders
Rheumatologists- arthritis, joints, bones, muscles, tendons
Urologist – bladder
      Megan Johnson McCullough – Health and Human Performance

We don’t necessarily want to go to a doctor, but hey, life happens and we may need to. They’re respected, well educated, specialists in what they do. They are healers and helpers for sure. Be insured, be proactive, and be informed on your fitness journey in order to let your body experience what it is like to actually feel good 😊

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Life" Video: Flexibility and eating nuts

Every BODY's Fit "FIT Clip" 837 Video: Chair Stand to Lunge